On 23 July 2013 21:37, Andrew Bartlett <abart...@samba.org> wrote:

> > On 22 July 2013 22:01, Jonathan Hunter <jmhunt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > second-existing-dc# samba-tool fsmo seize --role=rid
> > Attempting transfer...
> > FSMO transfer of 'rid' role successful
> > ERROR: Failed to initiate role seize of 'rid' role: objectclass: modify
> > message must have elements/attributes!
> The error is a red herring, resolved in current versions.  There wasn't
> actually an error :-)
> Ahh great - thank you! :)

> (Interestingly, my shiny new DC does not have a RID Set.. I'm not yet sure
> > if this is good, or bad! :))
> A DC should ask for a RID set to be created shortly after starting up,
> and certainly an attempt to create users is made.

OK. At this point I must admit to being impatient, and I did the 'fsmo
seize' trick a couple of times again, to get a RID set for my new server. I
didn't realise (or know!) that there was, or could be, a short delay...
although, during my 'fsmo seize' on one DC, and 'fsmo show' on another DC,
I did realise there was a delay in replication at the very least.

I should also at least mention that when I tried 'fsmo seize --role=all',
it just seized the rid role and no others - I had to run each one manually.
Not sure if that was an error in my setup, or a bug in samba-tool, but that
was only a minor hiccup in my larger exercise.

Anyway, I'm on to my next challenge now in my 'setting up new server' saga,
so that's good - thank you very much! :)


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