
In time honoured fashion I am replying to my own post, as I think I have
figured out a workaround to my issue. Hopefully this will help others -
here's what I did.

On 22 July 2013 22:01, Jonathan Hunter <jmhunt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Now, I try to join the new server (CentOS 6.4 clean install; Samba 4.0.7
> from source), but I get the following:

>  ERROR(ldb): uncaught exception - LDAP error 53 LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM
> -  <00002035: ../source4/dsdb/samdb/ldb_modules/ridalloc.c:517: No RID Set
> DN - Failed to add RID Set CN=RID Set,CN=EXISTING-DC,OU=Domain
> Controllers,DC=mydomain,DC=org - objectclass: object class 'rIDSet' is
> system-only, rejecting creation of 'CN=RID Set,CN=EXISTING-DC,OU=Domain
> Controllers,DC=mydomain,DC=org'!> <>

After some careful googling, and trying to figure out what the heck a RID
Set was, and why it couldn't be added, I discovered it was a property of a
domain controller, and I think I should really have one against my existing
DC - but I didn't.

First step was ADSI Edit, to create it - but then I discovered that whilst
ADSI Edit can create many things, a RID Set is not one of them.

Second step was LDIFDE, I exported the RID Set from my other DC (in the
other site), edited the LDIF to make a new RID Set for my existing DC - but
couldn't import it ("The server is unwilling to process the request")

Finally I hit upon the plan of transferring the RIDAllocationMaster FSMO
role across between the DCs:

second-existing-dc# samba-tool fsmo seize --role=rid
Attempting transfer...
FSMO transfer of 'rid' role successful
ERROR: Failed to initiate role seize of 'rid' role: objectclass: modify
message must have elements/attributes!

The transfer was successful, but some kind of error occurred.. (!)

But, I was able to transfer the role back to the first DC - and this time,
a RID Set finally appeared in AD! I did, however, get exactly the same
error. This happened however many times I transfer the role, and for any
role (I tried all of them :-))

existing-dc# samba-tool fsmo seize --role=rid
Attempting transfer...
FSMO transfer of 'rid' role successful
ERROR: Failed to initiate role seize of 'rid' role: objectclass: modify
message must have elements/attributes!

Still.. I have now been able to successfully join my domain - which does
solve my initial problem, so I'm happy there at least.

(Interestingly, my shiny new DC does not have a RID Set.. I'm not yet sure
if this is good, or bad! :))

Hopefully this post will be helpful to somebody in the future... Just a
note, however - I hardly ever check this gmail account, so please don't
rely on a speedy response if you do see this post and want to reply to me
Thanks all,


"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research,
would it?"
      - Albert Einstein
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