
I have a Samba4 domain consisting of two 4.0.6 Samba servers, in two
different AD sites.

I am trying to join a new 4.0.7 Samba server as a DC.

Previously, I had had some issues caused by hardware failure of one of the
DCs; I have learnt my lesson about checking backups properly, as it took me
a surprisingly (for me) long time to recover from this (there was no FSMO
after the failure and I had to use ADSI Edit to fix this). However,
everything has been running fine since then - up till now.

Now, I try to join the new server (CentOS 6.4 clean install; Samba 4.0.7
from source), but I get the following:

(edited out to remove domain name)

[root@newdc ~]# samba-tool domain join mydomain.org DC
-UMYDOMAIN\\administrator --realm=mydomain.org
Finding a writeable DC for domain 'mydomain.org'
Found DC existing-dc.mydomain.org
Password for [MYDOMAIN\administrator]:
workgroup is MYDOMAIN
realm is mydomain.org
checking sAMAccountName
Adding CN=NEWDC,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=mydomain,DC=org
Join failed - cleaning up
checking sAMAccountName
ERROR(ldb): uncaught exception - LDAP error 53 LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM -
 <00002035: ../source4/dsdb/samdb/ldb_modules/ridalloc.c:517: No RID Set DN
- Failed to add RID Set CN=RID Set,CN=EXISTING-DC,OU=Domain
Controllers,DC=mydomain,DC=org - objectclass: object class 'rIDSet' is
system-only, rejecting creation of 'CN=RID Set,CN=EXISTING-DC,OU=Domain
Controllers,DC=mydomain,DC=org'!> <>
line 175, in _run
    return self.run(*args, **kwargs)
line 552, in run
    machinepass=machinepass, use_ntvfs=use_ntvfs, dns_backend=dns_backend)
  File "/usr/local/samba/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/samba/join.py", line
1104, in join_DC
  File "/usr/local/samba/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/samba/join.py", line
1007, in do_join
  File "/usr/local/samba/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/samba/join.py", line
499, in join_add_objects

I think this is the same issue as in bug 9954:

and in this previous post (I couldn't find a response to):

I'm not adverse to a bit of ADSI Edit or similar - but I don't really know
where to start with this..

Any ideas?



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      - Albert Einstein
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