
On 8 March 2013 13:37, Tris Mabbs <tm-samba201...@firstgrade.co.uk> wrote:
> Hiya Michael,
> Many thanks for that - very much appreciated.
> I think I should learn more about "git" than currently I know - however this
> is not the time to do so.
> So I ran your commands, first not worrying about any local changes so just
> updating my local copy:
> ------->Cut here:
> samba-master % git remote add gd git://gitweb.samba.org/gd/samba
> samba-master % git checkout -b master-krb5pac gd/master-krb5pac
> fatal: git checkout: updating paths is incompatible with switching
> branches/forcing
> Did you intend to checkout 'gd/master-krb5pac' which can not be resolved as
> commit?
> samba-master %
> <-------Cut here.

Sorry, I forgot a step.  You would have needed a "git fetch gd" in
there before the checkout.

> OK, not so good ...
> So then I (effectively) completely removed and recreated my "samba-master"
> and tried your second option:
> ------->Cut here:
> samba-master % cd ..
> samba % mv samba-master samba-master.tmp ; mkdir samba-master ; cd
> samba-master
> samba-master % git clone git://gitweb.samba.org/gd/samba samba-gd
> Initialized empty Git repository in
> /var/tmp/samba/samba-master/samba-gd/.git/
> remote: Counting objects: 928083, done.
> ...
> Resolving deltas: 100% (708307/708307), done.
> samba-master % cd samba-gd
> samba-gd % git checkout -b master-krb5pac origin/master-krb5pac
> Branch master-krb5pac set up to track remote branch
> refs/remotes/origin/master-krb5pac.
> Switched to a new branch "master-krb5pac"
> samba-gd % dircmp . ../../samba-master.tmp |& grep -i '^different' | grep -v
> '/\.git/'
> different       ./auth/credentials/pycredentials.c
> different       ./auth/kerberos/kerberos_pac.c
> different       ./lib/torture/torture.h
> different       ./lib/util/samba_util.h
> different       ./lib/util/tevent_debug.c
> different       ./librpc/idl/krb5pac.idl
> different       ./librpc/ndr/ndr_krb5pac.c
> different       ./pidl/wscript
> different       ./source3/auth/auth_generic.c
> different       ./source3/auth/auth_util.c
> different       ./source3/lib/events.c
> different       ./source3/libnet/libnet_join.c
> different       ./source3/libnet/libnet_join.h
> different       ./source3/libsmb/pylibsmb.c
> different       ./source3/smbd/oplock.c
> different       ./source4/auth/gensec/pygensec.c
> different       ./source4/lib/events/tevent_s4.c
> different       ./source4/lib/registry/pyregistry.c
> different       ./source4/torture/ndr/drsblobs.c
> different       ./source4/torture/ndr/nbt.c
> different       ./source4/torture/ndr/ndr.c
> different       ./source4/torture/ndr/ndr.h
> different       ./source4/torture/ndr/ntprinting.c
> different       ./source4/torture/wscript_build
> different       ./source4/winbind/wb_cmd_getgrgid.c
> different       ./source4/winbind/wb_cmd_getgrnam.c
> different       ./source4/winbind/wb_cmd_getpwnam.c
> samba-gd %
> <-------Cut here.
> That does actually seem to have done something, and the files which are
> changed look as though they might be relevant to this problem.
> Not sure why that worked but the first option didn't, but there you go ...

Well, as I said I forgot a step.  Sorry :)

> So, again, many thanks - I'll now try building from that branch and testing;
> I'll send an update once done.
> Cheers!
> Tris.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Wood
> Sent: 08 March 2013 10:33
> To: Tris Mabbs
> Cc: Guenther Deschner; Andrew Bartlett; samba@lists.samba.org
> Subject: Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC:
> NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server
> 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).
> On 8 March 2013 11:03, Tris Mabbs <tm-samba201...@firstgrade.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hiya Andrew, Günther,
>> Andrew, many thanks for following up on this.
>>> Where did we get with this?
>> Currently stalled, temporarily I'm sure, by my ignorance of "git" I'm
>> afraid.
> If you have no local changes, try this:
> Change to the directory where you have the Samba git repository.
> $ cd /path/to/samba-master
> $ git remote add gd git://gitweb.samba.org/gd/samba
> $ git checkout -b master-krb5pac gd/master-krb5pac
> If you have local changes and don't want to learn more about git than you
> need right now, clone the repository to a separate directory:
> $ cd somewhere
> $ git clone git://gitweb.samba.org/gd/samba samba-gd
> $ cd samba-gd
> $ git checkout -b master-krb5pac origin/master-krb5pac
> ...

Michael Wood <esiot...@gmail.com>
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