Hiya Michael,

Many thanks for that - very much appreciated.

I think I should learn more about "git" than currently I know - however this
is not the time to do so.
So I ran your commands, first not worrying about any local changes so just
updating my local copy:

------->Cut here:
samba-master % git remote add gd git://gitweb.samba.org/gd/samba
samba-master % git checkout -b master-krb5pac gd/master-krb5pac
fatal: git checkout: updating paths is incompatible with switching
Did you intend to checkout 'gd/master-krb5pac' which can not be resolved as
samba-master %
<-------Cut here.

OK, not so good ...
So then I (effectively) completely removed and recreated my "samba-master"
and tried your second option:

------->Cut here:
samba-master % cd ..
samba % mv samba-master samba-master.tmp ; mkdir samba-master ; cd
samba-master % git clone git://gitweb.samba.org/gd/samba samba-gd
Initialized empty Git repository in
remote: Counting objects: 928083, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (708307/708307), done.
samba-master % cd samba-gd
samba-gd % git checkout -b master-krb5pac origin/master-krb5pac
Branch master-krb5pac set up to track remote branch
Switched to a new branch "master-krb5pac"
samba-gd % dircmp . ../../samba-master.tmp |& grep -i '^different' | grep -v
different       ./auth/credentials/pycredentials.c
different       ./auth/kerberos/kerberos_pac.c
different       ./lib/torture/torture.h
different       ./lib/util/samba_util.h
different       ./lib/util/tevent_debug.c
different       ./librpc/idl/krb5pac.idl
different       ./librpc/ndr/ndr_krb5pac.c
different       ./pidl/wscript
different       ./source3/auth/auth_generic.c
different       ./source3/auth/auth_util.c
different       ./source3/lib/events.c
different       ./source3/libnet/libnet_join.c
different       ./source3/libnet/libnet_join.h
different       ./source3/libsmb/pylibsmb.c
different       ./source3/smbd/oplock.c
different       ./source4/auth/gensec/pygensec.c
different       ./source4/lib/events/tevent_s4.c
different       ./source4/lib/registry/pyregistry.c
different       ./source4/torture/ndr/drsblobs.c
different       ./source4/torture/ndr/nbt.c
different       ./source4/torture/ndr/ndr.c
different       ./source4/torture/ndr/ndr.h
different       ./source4/torture/ndr/ntprinting.c
different       ./source4/torture/wscript_build
different       ./source4/winbind/wb_cmd_getgrgid.c
different       ./source4/winbind/wb_cmd_getgrnam.c
different       ./source4/winbind/wb_cmd_getpwnam.c
samba-gd % 
<-------Cut here.

That does actually seem to have done something, and the files which are
changed look as though they might be relevant to this problem.
Not sure why that worked but the first option didn't, but there you go ...

So, again, many thanks - I'll now try building from that branch and testing;
I'll send an update once done.



-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Wood
Sent: 08 March 2013 10:33
To: Tris Mabbs
Cc: Guenther Deschner; Andrew Bartlett; samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC:
NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server
2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

On 8 March 2013 11:03, Tris Mabbs <tm-samba201...@firstgrade.co.uk> wrote:
> Hiya Andrew, Günther,
> Andrew, many thanks for following up on this.
>> Where did we get with this?
> Currently stalled, temporarily I'm sure, by my ignorance of "git" I'm 
> afraid.

If you have no local changes, try this:

Change to the directory where you have the Samba git repository.

$ cd /path/to/samba-master
$ git remote add gd git://gitweb.samba.org/gd/samba
$ git checkout -b master-krb5pac gd/master-krb5pac

If you have local changes and don't want to learn more about git than you
need right now, clone the repository to a separate directory:

$ cd somewhere
$ git clone git://gitweb.samba.org/gd/samba samba-gd
$ cd samba-gd 
$ git checkout -b master-krb5pac origin/master-krb5pac


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