On 8 March 2013 11:03, Tris Mabbs <tm-samba201...@firstgrade.co.uk> wrote:
> Hiya Andrew, Günther,
> Andrew, many thanks for following up on this.
>> Where did we get with this?
> Currently stalled, temporarily I'm sure, by my ignorance of "git" I'm
> afraid.

If you have no local changes, try this:

Change to the directory where you have the Samba git repository.

$ cd /path/to/samba-master
$ git remote add gd git://gitweb.samba.org/gd/samba
$ git checkout -b master-krb5pac gd/master-krb5pac

If you have local changes and don't want to learn more about git than
you need right now, clone the repository to a separate directory:

$ cd somewhere
$ git clone git://gitweb.samba.org/gd/samba samba-gd
$ cd samba-gd
$ git checkout -b master-krb5pac origin/master-krb5pac

> Günther pointed me at a branch with some changes but I've been unable to
> find it, either through the Samba GitWeb view on the repository or by trying
> to persuade "git" itself to locate the branch.
> I've asked Günther for some pointers on how to retrieve the branch but he's
> apparently understandably been too busy to answer what is honestly a pretty
> noob question on "git".
> So my fault I'm afraid - not been able to try Günther's changes yet.
> Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to access his changes, or someone
> will enlighten me, at which point I'll test it; then I'll put my patch back
> in and see whether I then also get a PAC dump written under the Kerberos
> principal name (which would hopefully confirm that the changes then also
> cause normal code paths to be followed for this user).
> Many thanks for the follow-up - much appreciated,
> Cheers,
> Tris.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tris Mabbs
> Sent: 07 March 2013 12:16
> To: 'Guenther Deschner'
> Subject: RE: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC:
> NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server
> 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).
> Hiya again Günther,
> Sorry to bother you again, but is there any chance of some quick words of
> wisdom on how to retrieve that branch please?  I'd really like to test the
> code but cannot find it, or how to pull that into my local Samba source
> tree.
> Again, apologies for my current complete lack of experience with "git".
> Many thanks, and regards,
> Tris.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tris Mabbs
> Sent: 01 March 2013 18:24
> To: 'Guenther Deschner'
> Subject: RE: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC:
> NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server
> 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).
> Hiya again Günther,
> I'm *really* sorry - I must be being completely dense but I can't actually
> find that branch.
> If I look for it using the Samba GitWeb, it doesn't seem to show anything in
> there since 2009.
> I also can't persuade "git" itself to recognise anything related to it.
> I'm afraid I only started using "git", for anything other than a simple
> clone (or update) of the Samba source, a couple of days ago.  Prior to that,
> all my RCS experience is with the somewhat dated (!) SCCS, or more recently
> SubVersion.
> If you have a moment to jot down a couple of basic instructions for pulling
> the branch with your changes in it, I'd greatly appreciate it, and would
> then be able to try the code.
> Apologies for my complete incompetence with "git"!
> Many thanks, and regards,
> Tris.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tris Mabbs
> Sent: 28 February 2013 22:33
> To: 'Guenther Deschner'; Tris Mabbs
> Cc: samba@lists.samba.org
> Subject: RE: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC:
> NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server
> 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).
> Hiya Günther,
> Absolutely - I'm really sorry, I intended to try this today but haven't had
> the chance.
> Hopefully I will get the chance tomorrow, and I'll let you know the results.
> Many thanks, much appreciated :-)
> Tris.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Guenther Deschner
> Sent: 28 February 2013 15:09
> To: Tris Mabbs
> Cc: samba@lists.samba.org
> Subject: Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC:
> NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server
> 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).
> Hi Triss,
> can you test this branch?
> https://git.samba.org/?p=gd/samba/.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/master-krb5pa
> c
> It contains fixes for various pac buffer types.
> Let us know if it resolves your issues.
> Thanks,
> Guenther
> --
> Günther Deschner                    GPG-ID: 8EE11688
> Red Hat                         gdesch...@redhat.com
> Samba Team                              g...@samba.org
> --
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Michael Wood <esiot...@gmail.com>
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