
We are not using the app.  She downloaded SageMath-10.3_arm64.dmg 
github., double clicked the executable and followed the installation 
instructions. To launch, she clicks the SageMath-10-3 icon along the bottom 
of her mac. This gives her the option to open Jupyter Notebook, which she 
does, using the SageMath kernel.

She has a 3 year old mac and I'm wondering if it just doesn't have the 
processing power it needs to do these more intensive mathematical 
computations. (plus she probably has other stuff up on her computer) So 
when Jupyter Lab konks out, she is unable to restart it. Even if she 
reboots her computer, when she tries to relaunch from the SageMath icon, 
she gets the Local host Error connection refused. She looks in Activity 
Monitor and says she has killed all of the python processes, but still 
cannot launch SageMath. 

The last time this happened we removed and then reinstalled SageMath. But 
that's a tough way to keep things moving. I'm wondering if when Jupyter Lab 
dies, if there are files that live on and make it so that she cannot 
relaunch. We have not been able to find, or just lack the skills to find, 
where any of these files might be located. I tried to run "jupyter" 
commands from the terminal, but they come back as unknown and searching 
through "finder" on the mac is not getting us anywhere.

Short of buying a new computer or continuing to reinstall SageMath, I'm 
wondering if there is a simpler of way of getting things up and running 
again for her.

Thank you so much for responding. It is deeply appreciated.

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 4:05:17 PM UTC-4 Dima Pasechnik wrote:

> Hi,
> please tell us more about the Sage version, and how you installed it, and 
> how you launch the notebook.
> Do you use the Sagemath macOS app?
> Dima 
> On 23 April 2024 20:05:12 BST, S Benton <brent...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi - at my wit's end here - my daughter is trying to use Sage Math 
>> Jupyter Notebook for her college coursework. She has had problems where if 
>> Notebook crashes, she is unable to relaunch it - she gets a "connection 
>> refused" error and it mentions Local Host 8888. Last time, we reinstalled 
>> everything and she was able to get up and running again. However, this 
>> keeps happening.
>> I am wondering if - when Notebook crashes - if there are still processes 
>> running out there that are preventing her from relaunching a new instance 
>> of Notebook. She is on a mac, and I'm trying to find the commands or 
>> directories where these processes or files might stored so that I can 
>> remove them.  
>> I am not able to use any of the "Jupyter" commands from the mac command 
>> line to see what is running. Does anyone have any help they can offer on 
>> why this might be happening and how i can get her up and running again?
>> Many thanks

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