Yes, version <= 8.9 is the solution for now.
If the number of notebooks is not too large, upgrading sagenb notebooks to 
jupyter notebooks
might be a good idea.
In the next release, the error messages will not be missing.
In that time please try "sage --notebook=export --list"
and "sage --notebook=export ----ipynb TARGETFILENAME admin:NN"
for upgrading notebooks.

2020年4月5日日曜日 23時17分02秒 UTC+9 Anita Rojas:
> Thanks. I tried "sage -n Jupyter", and my browser opened but without 
> success in entering SAGE.
> I will install SAGA 8.1 to see if it works. 
> Here is the message I got once typing "sage -n":
> ---------------
> sage: notebook()
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call 
> last)
> <ipython-input-1-b5959bb24428> in <module>()
> ----> 1 notebook()
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sagenb'
> ...

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