Yes. Thanks. I manage in less than enough in MacOS. I will try to install
8.9 version. I'll report if this works.
Could be useful to other user

On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 2:34 PM rana-aere <> wrote:

> I guess your computer is left vulnerable.
> So you should use
> ```
> sudo spctl --master-enable
> ```
> We are fixing slow start-up of Sagemath and also problems of permissions.
> SageMath-8.9 is OK for MacOS upto MacOS Mojave.
> SageMath-9.0 needs techniques for installation on MacOS Mojave.
> Many people complains problems of SageMath-9.0 on MacOS Catalina.
> I only understood two or three symptoms reported but I located one
> essential problem.
> So, we are in a rather transient situation.
> For the user's of sagenb notebook, I'd rather recommend to use
> SageMath-8.9 while
> waiting for SageMath get OK with Catalina. I think you are in this
> category.
> For MacOS freak, I recommend to try the following procedure in the same
> account:
> (This works for MacOS Mojave. On the other hand, no one reported it to
> work on Catalina.)
> (1) Copy SageMath-9.0 from disk-image to /Applications. Do not double
> click it at this moment.
> (2) Open /Applications/Utilities/
> (3) In the terminal window, issue the following command
> ```
> myhome$ /Applications/
> ```
> (4) Quit sage after the sage-prompt asks you for input something.
> (5) Diable verification by "sudo spctl --master-disable".
> (6) Double click /Applications/
> (7) Specify your folder for Sagemath when a dialogue asks it.
>      This folder is something close to the folder tree  ~/.sage of
> notebooks.
>      But it must be different from ~/.sage.
>      Sagemath does not start-up on Catalina if this folder is not
> specified at the dialogue.
> (8) If Sagemath opened a web-page of jupyter notebook
>      and you verify this page accept programs of Sagemath (e.g.
> print("hello") ),
>      then quit Sagemath by the menu.
> (9) Use " sudo spctl --master-enable" to restart protection.
> I guess this explanation gives an impression of a gap between (7) and (8).
> This is because we are still fighting the problem behind (7).
> If you are in this category, I welcome claims from you.
> Alternatively, if you want to go to new versions of Sagemath,
> please wait for Sagemath-9.1.
> 2020年4月4日土曜日 13時25分46秒 UTC+9 Anita Rojas:
>> Thanks. I did:
>> sudo spctl --master-disable
>> and it worked. I have a question: Did I leave my computer vulnerable by
>> doing so?
>> Second: I was used to use notebook() but it did not work.
>> Deep thanks for your help
>> Anita
>> ...
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Anita M. Rojas
Departamento de Matemáticas
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Chile

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