On 04/02/14 17:25, William Stein wrote:
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Aaron Zauner <a...@azet.org> wrote:

On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 4:44:47 PM UTC+1, Volker Braun wrote:
You can set SAGE_INSTALL_GCC=no and SAGE_ATLAS_LIB=<path>. If you need to
customize it further you'll have to edit build/deps

There's no way that's more convinient (autotools et cetera)? Might I suggest
that SAGE takes a look at EasyBuild? It might enhance building and
maintaining dependencies of your project.

I'll give a closer look on how to properly build in sandboxed
environments/with EasyBuild soon.
But this is a nonstarter given our requirements for Sage:  "EasyBuild
has mainly been tested on RPM-based 64-bit Linux systems, i.e.,
Scientific Linux 5.x/6.x. Support for other Linux distributions and
operating systems is pending."

     -- from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/easybuild

That statement is actually outdated, EasyBuild is being used on all kinds of Linux distro's now.

What are the SAGE requirements, where can we find them?



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