On 03/07/2013 10:00 AM, kcrisman wrote:

On Wednesday, March 6, 2013 4:23:25 PM UTC-5, luisfe wrote:

    The thing is with the sage windows appliance as has been said. In
    order to keep the ova file to the minimum most programs has been
    erased, including gedit. I think that in your case your best bet
    would be to download a virtualbox image of a linux distibution that
    is supported by sage (fedora or ubuntu) and that has the tools you
    are used to (gedit). Then, in that guest machine, install the binary
    sage for the linux of your choice. That way you can also update the
    sage app without downloading a full new virtual image.

Is there a way for the user to just download gedit to the current Sage
appliance, though?  Presumably that might be possible... ?

Must be possible. It is running some Linux distribution. The login passwords for the user and root are present in the Sage Appliance wiki.

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