Hi Emil!

On 14 Dez., 23:20, emil <emil.widm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Could you give an example of how to use install_scripts  to make e.g.
> python or R available from outside sage?

For example: I have a directory bin/ in my home directory, that also
is in my PATH. Once upon a time, I did
    sage: install_scripts('~/bin/')

In principle, you could name any directory to which you have write
permission. In that directory, Sage creates a couple of scripts: gap
gp  hg  ipython  maxima  mwrank  R  singular

There is not much magic in the scripts. For example, the "gap" script
sage -gap $*

Hence, if I do
in a shell, then in fact "sage -gap" is executed; so, it uses the gap
shipped by Sage, but it doesn't start Sage.

Apparently the scripts don't need to change if the Sage-gap, -
singular, -gp,... versions change. Hence, when I say "once upon a
time", it was really only *once*.

Remark: You ask if it is possible to make "python or R" available. I
don't know if it is possible to ask the install_scripts function to
*only* install python and R but nothing else. Also I notice that there
is no script called "python" in the list above; but it would of course
be easy to write such script.

> And it is somehow related to another post here 
> ...http://groups.google.com/group/sage-support/browse_thread/thread/b3e9...

Sorry, that post is beyond my knowledge. I even don't know if it is


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