Hmm, you are right, I might break something if I don't stuck in 2.6...
All right, thank you very much anyway.

On Dec 12, 3:57 pm, Harald Schilly <> wrote:
> On Sunday, December 12, 2010 3:49:33 PM UTC+1, Juanlu_001 wrote:Is
> there any way to accomplish what I'm asking? I do not fear the
> shell or source code.
> It's possible and done for some linux distributions, but I don't think
> it's a good idea for you. You can look into Sage's local/lib/python2.6
> folder, where you can see that you can only save about 40MB (all the
> rest is in the site packages which are part of sage anyways). Also,
> Sage is only tested to work well with the given python version. That
> might not be true for other ones, because some libs directly access
> python internal datastructures that might be subject to changes and so
> on. Rather, you could go the other way round and use "sage -python" as
> your python interpreter or work inside the "Sage Environment" via $
> sage -sh ... depending on what you want to accomplish.
> H

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