On Dec 17, 2009, at 5:58 PM, Christian Szegedy wrote:

> It is impossible to come up with any reasonable explanation for this
> kind of slowdown. Even if you do extremely stupid things like
> summing all permutations and simplifying the expression at the end,  
> you
> can't get that slow.

No, but if someone tried to be clever, and messed up, you can.

> Additionally, you  cansee that the inverse is computed readily. If you
> look at the
> entries of the inverse, you can see the determinant in almost every
> nonzero entry as denominator (naturally...) It is completely  
> implausible
> that the inverse() function which essentially computes the determinant
> (and a lot more) is magnitudes faster than computing the determinant
> alone.
> I have not seen a ticket opened for this issue, but I would strongly  
> suggest
> to open one (I don't have any account for the Trac, but would be  
> happy to
> get one.)

That would be great. This intrigued me, so I hunted down where it's  
hanging. It is trying to take a gcd in fraction field reduction. See 
  for the hanging example.

> On 12/17/09, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:
>> The speed could be do to the inefficiency of fraction field  
>> arithmetic
>> over the polynomial ring. Ideally, we should have fraction-free
>> gaussian elimination. Also, easily invertable/small determinant may
>> actually be worse--as it could be creating a lot of large  
>> intermediate
>> values with non-trivial gcds that are all canceling out.
>> It would be interesting to profile and see what exactly is taking all
>> the time.
>> - Robert
>> On Dec 17, 2009, at 11:39 AM, Christian Szegedy wrote:
>>> You evaluate it over ZZ[x1,...,xn] rather than GF(2)[x1,...,x4].
>>> Anyways, it simply can't be *that* slow in any case: even: the
>>> (theoretically ) maximum number of monoms that can be in any
>>> expansion is less than a few thousands, so the upper limit
>>> for a naively implemented Gaussian elimination is in the
>>> order of seconds. However the matrix is even much simpler than
>>> that and even the inverse is computed immediately.
>>> On 12/17/09, ma...@mendelu.cz <ma...@mendelu.cz> wrote:
>>>> And another observation:
>>>> maxima returns answer immediatelly (with a lag necessary to start
>>>> maxima)
>>>> m is the original matrix from x.py
>>>> sage: m._maxima_().determinant().expand().sage()
>>>> x0^2*x2^2*x3^2*x7^2 - 2*x0*x1*x2*x3*x4*x5*x6*x7 +  
>>>> x1^2*x4^2*x5^2*x6^2
>>>> Anyway, the answer is different from expected one. I do not konw
>>>> which
>>>> one is correct.
>>>> Robert
>>>> On 17 pro, 11:40, "ma...@mendelu.cz" <ma...@mendelu.cz> wrote:
>>>>> perhaps problems expanding polynomials? even determinant of
>>>>> submatrix
>>>>> (0,0,5,5)  is suprisingly slow.
>>>>> workaroud is to replace polynomials in your matrix by variables.
>>>>> var('x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5  
>>>>> b6
>>>>> b7')
>>>>> m=matrix([[      0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7],
>>>>> [b1,       0,      x0,       0,       0,       0,       0,        
>>>>> 0],
>>>>> [b2,      x0,       0,      x6,       0,       0,       0,        
>>>>> 0],
>>>>> [b3,       0,      x6,       0,      x3,       0,       0,        
>>>>> 0],
>>>>> [b4,       0,       0,      x3,       0,      x4,       0,        
>>>>> 0],
>>>>> [b5,       0,       0,       0,      x4,       0,      x2,        
>>>>> 0],
>>>>> [b6,       0,       0,       0,       0,      x2,       0,       
>>>>> x1],
>>>>> [b7,       0,       0,       0,       0,       0,      x1,
>>>>> 0]])
>>>>> m
>>>>> m.det()  gives answer immediatelly and you can substitute back for
>>>>> a's
>>>>> and b's.
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