On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 5:58 PM, Christian Szegedy
<christian.szeg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It is impossible to come up with any reasonable explanation for this
> kind of slowdown. Even if you do extremely stupid things like
> summing all permutations and simplifying the expression at the end, you
> can't get that slow.
> Additionally, you  cansee that the inverse is computed readily. If you
> look at the
> entries of the inverse, you can see the determinant in almost every
> nonzero entry as denominator (naturally...) It is completely implausible
> that the inverse() function which essentially computes the determinant
> (and a lot more) is magnitudes faster than computing the determinant
> alone.
> I have not seen a ticket opened for this issue, but I would strongly suggest
> to open one (I don't have any account for the Trac, but would be happy to
> get one.)

Wonderful.  Please read http://wiki.sagemath.org/TracGuidelines and
email me offlist for your account.  Thanks again for improving the
quality of Sage through your very valuable bug reports.


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