tmb wrote:
>> None that I use I guess. There are no visible top-level folders in my  
>> home directory that I didn't put there (except the ones there on  
>> account creation) and I like it that way. I guess it's a manner of  
>> preference, but at lest it's consistent.
> Consistent with what?  Traditional UNIX applications take all document/
> source files on the command line; they don't put any of the documents
> I work on into a dot folder.
> IDEs create a visible projects folder because they don't have a
> command line where you could tell them what to work on.
> For something like Sage to create a directory hierarchy containing
> source files under .sage and then put in notebooks under obscure names
> like .sage/.../42/worksheet.txt is completely inconsistent with
> standard UNIX usage.  It's even more inconsistent that apparently I'm
> supposed to manipulate those files by hand.

SSH uses $HOME/.ssh
Thunderbird uses $HOME/.thunderbird
Mathematica uses $HOMe/.Mathematica

Lots of programs do put configuration data in directories which start with a 


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