On Dec 4, 2009, at 10:35 PM, Dima Pasechnik wrote:

> 2009/12/5 Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>:
>> On Dec 4, 2009, at 9:31 PM, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>>> 2009/12/5 Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>:
>>>> On Dec 4, 2009, at 4:53 AM, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>>>>> just a side remark - IMHO notebooks are not designed for any  
>>>>> kind of
>>>>> large-scope project.
>>>> There's no reason they couldn't be.
>>> I meant a project that takes a lot of computing power (CPU/memory/
>>> disk space).
>>> I cannot but agree that for designing, e.g. exercises, notebooks are
>>> very useful, esp. combined with functionality
>>> of sagenb.notebook.
>> Oh, that's what you mean. Still, I don't see any reason the notebook
>> would be worse. I've let things run overnight in the notebook, and
>> @parallel works there too.
> Judging from what I see posted here, notebooks are not very well  
> behaved
> under extreme circumstances like OS crashes (that might be a result  
> of running
> out of memory, etc).

Well, not even scripts behave well when the OS goes down.

> One is tempted to have  unsaved cells open, too.
> Under a heavy load all this does not play well.
> Also, a nontrivial project has a non-trivial amount of code that one
> needs to maintain,
> too. One essentially designs a small library. A special notebook  
> functionality
> is needed to handle such a case.
> IMHO it's a bit wasteful to implement
> such a functionality. After this is done, one has to wait just a bit  
> to see
> requests for Sage notebooks to be able to work as an e-mail client :-)

See the email() command :).

>>>>> For the latter, you are much better off with good old scripts.
>>>>> Notebooks certainly have their own pluses, such as more
>>>>> interactivity
>>>>> and ease of collaboration---but not
>>>>> sharing, as was demonstrated here recently.
>>>>> Otherwise I don't really see a point of them.
>>>> Ease of use, especially for people on Windows. I think they have
>>>> advantages for sharing as well, as I can share a notebook with
>>>> someone
>>>> by posting it on a public (or personal) server, and they can go and
>>>> get an account and use it without having to even install sage. This
>>>> could be particularly nice for the classroom setting.
>>> I referred to an apparent missing feature of exporting notebook  
>>> cells
>>> into a Sage script.
>>> This seems to be locking a user into using worksheets long after  
>>> it's
>>> time to move over to
>>> full-blown development with scripts.
>> True, that would be a nice feature. Clicking on the "text" link is a
>> good start.
> yes, but still the result of copy/paste into an editor
> would require tedious editing (removing "sage:", "....",
> proper Python indentation), that gets out of hand, particularly,  if
> largish data, e.g. relatively big multivariate polynomials, is
> involved. Would be nice having some kind of "export" feature.

Sorry, I meant click on the "edit" button, much easier to edit down to  
just the code from there.

- Robert

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