On Dec 4, 2009, at 12:20 PM, tmb wrote:

>>> -- For single user mode, put all the worksheets in ~/SageMath (that
>>> tells me that I'm supposed to look at them)
>> It's standard to make a .foo directory to hold application defaults
>> and data. Making a visible top-level directory is more invasive.
> Dotfiles contain application defaults, they do not usually contain
> application data.  Application data is usually given on the command
> line or stored in a toplevel directory.  Many IDEs, for example,
> create toplevel directories in the home directory that contain their
> projects (this is often configurable in a dotfile).

None that I use I guess. There are no visible top-level folders in my  
home directory that I didn't put there (except the ones there on  
account creation) and I like it that way. I guess it's a manner of  
preference, but at lest it's consistent.

>>> -- Put all notebook files at the toplevel with descriptive names,  
>>> like
>>> ~/SageMath/fft.sws
>> Where would the descriptive names come from? How would one handle
>> naming conflicts? Worksheet renaming?
> The usual thing to do is that documents have a "short name" that is
> used in the file system and URL, and a title that is contained in the
> document and stored in the index.  Google Sites uses that for
> example.  The short name usually remains fixed (but can be changed if
> necessary) and is used for things like merging versions etc.  The
> title can be changed pretty freely.  The short name is initially
> suggested based on the document title.
>>> With a directory structure like that, things get a lot simpler for  
>>> me
>>> because I actually understand what I can do:
>>> -- Make a backup: cp ~/SageMath/*.sws ~/my-sage-backup
>>> -- Restore backup: cp ~/my-sage-backup/* ~/SageMath
>> This works already (with ~/.sage/sage_notebook)
> Oh?  Why don't you try it.  "cp ~/SageMath/*.sws ~/my-sage-backup"
> doesn't back up my Sage worksheets.
> A recursive directory copy of the entire tree does, but that's not
> particularly interesting.

Why not? (Or you could copy the whole sage_notebook folder.)

> Even there, I don't know whether I can
> safely restore it on another instance.

Yes, you can, I've done it.

>>> -- Restore a few files: cp ~/my-sage-backup/improc*.sws ~/SageMath
>>> -- Fix something in the fft worksheet: vi ~/SageMath/fft.sws
>> Note a .sws file may is actually a archive of several relevant files
>> (e.g. images that have been uploaded into DATA).
> Sorry, I meant fft.txt (replace .sws with .txt in all the examples).
>> One still has the issue of naming conflicts between multiple systems.
> Not if worksheets use explicit file names (see above).
>> I think it makes more sense to put a repository inside each  
>> worksheet.
> That's not convenient when I have 100 or 200 worksheets.

Do you always want to move around all 100-200 worksheets as a unit?  
This feels be like having a single repository for all the .tex files  
on your system, or all images, or something like that. I guess I view  
my worksheets as individual units that I move/send around.

>> It would still be easy to write
>> a script to sync every worksheet (say, for a given user) one at a
>> time.  But the idea of putting this data under revision control is a
>> good one--no one's had time to implement it yet. Do you want to help
>> out?
> Version control and more sensible naming isn't something I need very
> much in and of itself; if Sage worksheets worked correctly, I'd mostly
> be happy with it the way it is.  And it is not particularly important
> to me at the individual worksheet level, since most of the problems
> I'm encountering seem to be happening at the directory tree level (I
> forgot to mention duplication of worksheets).
> I'll probably just work some separate Python scripts for copying and
> merging notebook directories and keep my fingers crossed that the Sage
> worksheet issues get fixed.

I think they will be. 4.1.2 was a major change to the notebook, things  
should be stabilizing from here on out. Of course, there's lots of  
room for improvement, and I do appreciate your feedback.

- Robert

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