On Dec 4, 2008, at 7:45 AM, David Joyner wrote:

Looks like the Sage tutorial except it has a lot of exercises and statistical
examples. There are also some cool dynamical systems examples.
I agree, that the tutorial at least needs more statisitcs.

I'm not how sure the new documentation system rest/sphynx handles graphics.
If graphics are no problem, then maybe dynamical systems would make
a nice addition as well?

Some of the exercises are pretty good and they have solutions on the
Mathematica page so some of them might be of use to include in the tutorial
as well.


The problem I have with the Sage Tutorial right now is that it isn't
in the best form for working through it step by step. It ends up being more
of a pick and choose kind of thing because a lot of useful things end up
being towards the end (e.g., the programming section) while much that
is specialized is quite early (e.g., modular forms)

I tend to view it less as a tutorial and more like the Maple User's Guide
while that Intro to Mathematica is a fairly straightforward tutorial.



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