On Jan 14, 2008, at 10:09 PM, Carl Witty wrote:

> Here is a more idiomatic way to do this computation in Sage.  We work
> in the fraction field of a multivariate polynomial ring; this means
> that our polynomial arithmetic is handled by libSingular instead of by
> maxima, and that we can get the numerator directly with "numerator",
> since fraction field elements are always normalized.  Also, we use
> Sage's wrapper of ideals and Groebner bases (which I believe is
> implemented with libSingular), rather than calling Singular.
> (Avoiding the call to "factor(s1-s2)" means that this version is much
> faster.)
> sage: R.<x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,a,b> = QQ[]
> sage: eq1 = y1^2 -(x1^3+a*x1+b)
> sage: eq2 = y2^2 -(x2^3+a*x2+b)
> sage: eq3 = y3^2 -(x3^3+a*x3+b)
> sage: lambda12 = (y1 - y2)/(x1 - x2)
> sage: x4       = (lambda12*lambda12 - x1 - x2)
> sage: nu12     = (y1 - lambda12*x1)
> sage: y4       = (-lambda12*x4 - nu12)
> sage: lambda23 = ((y2 - y3)/(x2 - x3))
> sage: x5       = (lambda23*lambda23 - x2 - x3)
> sage: nu23     = (y2 - lambda23*x2)
> sage: y5       = (-lambda23*x5 - nu23)
> sage: s1 =(x1 - x5)*(x1 - x5)*((y3 - y4)*(y3-y4) - (x3+x4)*(x3-x4)* 
> (x3-
> x4))
> sage: s2 =(x3 - x4)*(x3 - x4)*((y1 - y5)*(y1-y5) - (x1+x5)*(x1-x5)* 
> (x1-
> x5))
> sage: n12 = numerator(s1-s2)
> sage: I = ideal([eq1,eq2,eq3])
> sage: I.reduce(n12)
> 0

What would be *really* nice is if we could work directly in the  
fraction field of the quotient of R.<x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,a,b> by the  
appropriate ideal. (Does that even make sense? Is the ideal prime?) I  
tried to do this but Sage gave up pretty quickly on me. A nice encore  
would be to do this using Sage's elliptic curve class to do the  
actual arithmetic. After all EllipticCurves can be defined over any  

Here's my dream session:

sage: R.<x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,a,b> = QQ[]
sage: I = R.ideal(y1^2 - x1^3 - a*x1 - b, y2^2 - x2^3 - a*x2 - b,  
y3^2 - x3^3 - a*x3 - b)
sage: S = FractionField(R.quotient(I))     # currently barfs
sage: E = EllipticCurve(S, [a, b])
sage: P1 = E(x1, y1)
sage: P2 = E(x2, y2)
sage: P3 = E(x3, y3)
sage: (P1 + P2) + P3 == P1 + (P2 + P3)

Here's the traceback in the FractionField line:

fraction_field.py in FractionField(R, names)
     104     if not ring.is_Ring(R):
     105         raise TypeError, "R must be a ring"
--> 106     if not R.is_integral_domain():
     107         raise TypeError, "R must be an integral domain."
     108     return R.fraction_field()

quotient_ring.py in is_integral_domain(self)
     227         """
--> 228         return self.defining_ideal().is_prime()
     230     def cover_ring(self):

ideal.py in is_prime(self)
     276     def is_prime(self):
--> 277         raise NotImplementedError
     279     def is_principal(self):

This suggests maybe the only barrier here is checking primality of  
the ideal? After that, the fraction field magic should just work  
right? But surely there is code somewhere to check primality, isn't  
this in singular or something? I don't know anything about the  
implementation of multivariate polynomial rings, maybe someone else  
can help out here.


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