On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 21:29, Dana Ernst <ernst.tr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If someone (like me!) incorporates one of these excellent 
> interacts/animations (or any other one for that matter), is it sufficient to 
> add a comparable license to the top or bottom of the corresponding worksheet? 
>  Or, should the license accompany the specific item (as a #-comment in the 
> code, for example)?

This depends on the license, for example, if it is CC-BY,you do not
need to include a license, if it is CC-BY-SA you have (SA=share
alike). BY is always implied by CC type licenses.
GPL requires you to include a visible statement in each file, also,
the full text of the GPL in a file and so on. Other licenses are much
less restrictive. It also depends on the media, e.g. sagemath.org is
CC-BY but it doesn't start by stating this ;)

> Lastly, if an individual licenses under CC-SA, can some else then use/modify 
> their work under CC-BY-SA?

Afaik, there is no CC-SA, BY is always implied!

> It seems like a standard in the Sage community should be
> advocated to avoid conflict.

Probably the best is to encourage everybody to think about licensing
its creative content. Maybe it is a nice idea to add a license field
to the published notebook. I.e. when you hit publish, you can select
from licenses in a drop-down menu (default: proprietary) ... This
might be such a standard? If somebody else thinks this is a good idea,
it could be worth posting to the sage-notebook mailing list.


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