> This might sound a bit tangential to some but in my mind is very 
relevant. I
> think using the Litvin text to create a Math/CS course would be 
awesome. I
> think what would further motivate students overwhelming to the point 
> forcing the faculty to seriously give this some consideration is a 
> that teaches python along the lines of Litvin but the problems the 
> are solving are Math puzzles.

This is VERY interesting.  I have looked at Litvin's text and found 
that it did not have enough programming projects.  I suggested to Gary 
that he make a supplemental workbook with more programming projects.  
I'm trying to modernize an intro computing class we have that uses 
yaBASIC and Visual BASIC called "Computer Math."

I've also been trying to implement a "Calculus Research Lab" for some 
time now using SAGE.  We had scheduling problems this year.  I was 
supposed to get a lab every other day for the whole school year in 
conjunction with my existing AP Calculus BC class.

A. Jorge Garcia

Teacher & Professor
Applied Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science
Baldwin Senior High School & Nassau Community College


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