kcrisman wrote :
>> 3/ Object in Sage are finest than Maple way as 0*aMatrix
> Can you expand on what you mean by "finest"?
This calculus is maple-right but is user-discourteous.

M = matrix ([[a,b],[c,d]])
0*M = 0 with maple, and all other systems answer matrix([[0,0],[0,0]])

Even if you explain that for maple syntax, it's normal to get 0*A = 0 
because the right way is "evalm(0*M)", I repeat : "everyone thinks that 
0*M = matrix 0, not number 0". This 0*XYZ=0 rule isn't fine.
Only(?) an object language (as python) can treat this "multi-sens" of zero.

I have an other question : how can you easily verify this  theorem in 
sage ?

M = matrix([[a,b],[c,d]])    # or an nxn matrix with any parameters...
P = det (M - x*matrix ONE) # Call Cayley-Hamilton therem in France
eval (P with x=M) answers matrix([[0,0],[0,0]]).

I can't evaluate matrix inside expressions.

It was easy to do it with mupad, The choice of the right type gives the 
right result in Axiom/Fricas.

>> 5/ Some "basis" mathematics are missing in sage. [I don't yet have the
>> complete list]
> Please let us know what basic math is not in Sage - it would be very
> important to rectify this as soon as possible.  It *is* definitely
> possible that some of what you are looking for is there, but not
> optimally wrapped.

The two first methods I don't find in sage was :

1/ Sum as sum(q^k, k=0..N)=(1-q^(n+1))/(1-q) and sum(x^k/k!, k=0..+oo)=e^x

2/ kernel over matrix is right, but I don't find the maple intbasis and 
sumbasis which build a basis for F cap G and F+G where the F and G 
subspaces are described by a list of vectors.

But I don't implore to have all (not so) simple(?) functions as soon as 
possible. It's also important to take time to choose the right way or 
the right syntax at the first time, because it's harder to change after !


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