
Ted Kosan escribió:
> A couple of years ago when I was active in the Sage project, I began
> work on an education-oriented GUI for Sage which I called SageIDE.
> SageIDE (which I renamed MathRider) has now reached the point where it
> is capable of being interfaced to Sage and my thought is that some
> people on this list may be interested in experimenting with it.
> SageIDE/MathRider can be found at this website:
> http://mathrider.org
> This website also contains a book called "Introduction to Programming
> with MathRider and MathPiper" which is what my book "Sage for Newbies"
> evolved into.  "Sage for Newbies" was started as an experiment to
> discover a good way to teach beginners how to program using a computer
> algebra system and "Introduction to Programming with MathRider and
> MathPiper " has achieved the goal I was shooting for.  My thought is
> that someone on this list may be interested in updating the "Sage for
> Newbies" book with material from this newer book.
> Ted Kosan

Seems a pretty interesting program. As kcrisman says it can fill the gap 
between geogebra and Sage. I think that working in that unfilled spaces 
is important from and educative perspective. In fact there was a Sage 
variant called SPD (Source Python Distribution) that start small and 
could (theoretically) grow up to (normal) Sage. The bridge that you 
create between Geogebra or Yacas and Sage with this project and the 
concern with interface and education is something worth. I will show 
this project to my students.

Now some questions:

 * I saw that you create mathpiper as a fork of yacas. Could you say me 
more about this (yacas was one of my favorite CAS before Sage and still 
has a "place in my heart" because of his philosophy, size and language 
syntax sugar).
 * Do you say that mathpiper can run as an applet in a web browser. Have 
you seen 280slides.com? Do you think that is possible to build a web 
interface for Mathrider in a similar fashion?
 * Java is everywhere. How feasible is to give python support in 
Mathrider using jython?

Thanks a lot,


[1] http://code.google.com/p/spdproject/

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