A couple of years ago when I was active in the Sage project, I began
work on an education-oriented GUI for Sage which I called SageIDE.
SageIDE (which I renamed MathRider) has now reached the point where it
is capable of being interfaced to Sage and my thought is that some
people on this list may be interested in experimenting with it.

SageIDE/MathRider can be found at this website:


This website also contains a book called "Introduction to Programming
with MathRider and MathPiper" which is what my book "Sage for Newbies"
evolved into.  "Sage for Newbies" was started as an experiment to
discover a good way to teach beginners how to program using a computer
algebra system and "Introduction to Programming with MathRider and
MathPiper " has achieved the goal I was shooting for.  My thought is
that someone on this list may be interested in updating the "Sage for
Newbies" book with material from this newer book.

Ted Kosan

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