On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 10:29 AM, kcrisman<kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 8, 12:39 pm, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 9:26 AM, kcrisman<kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> Are there any other things you get complaints about that aren't listed 
>> >> here?
>> > I'll try to think of things; I am quite sure that things like drop-
>> > down menus for commands would be popular, but I don't think we're
>> > going that direction.
>> I'm not at all opposed to at least doing design work in that direction!
> Then go ahead and do that.  Even having a proof-of-concept for
> something like "highlight function, do something (copy?) pull down
> action menu, pick *plot*, and return" would be useful, because it
> would enable someone (not me) with the ability and desire to take the
> notebook and make it usable in that way.
> Or even a clickable list of functions (organized in sublists)
> somewhere near the help button, just as a quick reference for (say)
> all number theory pre-imported commands, not one that would *do*
> anything.

Thanks for the ideas.

> I know #6001 has been steadily getting ready for prime time... does
> that include the possibility of highlighting and querying?  Often I
> have created Obj = command1(command2(old-object)).newcommand and want
> to ask for help on newcommand because I forgot the syntax, but ? there
> just yields some kind of error.  A related thing for usability is
> #5644 - sometimes the docstrings are so long you forget what you were
> doing.
> Incidentally, will the notebook rewrite be done in stages that we can
> test out, or released as a big thing all at once sometime late this
> fall?  It was great to have time to test TinyMCE before the release,
> for instance.

I only know how to do development in little stages.


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