Eric quite eloquently made the case for threejs. I tend to agree with him 
on most of the points. However, a couple points should be complemented:

   - The "minor transparency issues" he mentions may deprive the resulting 
   plot of part of its mathematical meaning (for example, the plot of a sphere 
   and a cone can curently clobber the display of the part of the cone inside 
   the sphere...).
   - Recent progress on the jmol front (Trac#25026 
   <>, positively reviewed) may 
   render this switch a bit less urgent.
   - The extra abilities of jmol/jsmol may ake it a bit more useful for 
   some tasks (e. g. determining the "right" view parameters for a planned 
   static view, e. g. for publication).
That said, I support the idea of the switch of defaults (if only because of 
spite against Java ;-).

==> +1

Le lundi 23 septembre 2019 13:51:23 UTC+2, Eric Gourgoulhon a écrit :
> Dear Sage-dev,
> This is a poll to make three.js ( the default 3d 
> viewer
> in Sage, in replacement of Jmol (
> Indeed, thanks to the work of Paul Masson, the three.js 3d viewer is doing 
> a
> very good job in displaying Sage 3d plots, as you can see in these examples
> taken from Sage reference's manual:
> You can rotate/zoom the 3d view with the mouse and, by clicking on the 
> small black
> arrow at the bottom right of the view, you can download a png screenshot.
> Other examples of three.js rendering can be found in this notebook devoted 
> to
> anti de Sitter space:
> For more information about the three.js renderer in Sage, see
> The discussion about having three.js as the default viewer is taking place 
> in
> the ticket
> This ticket also contains the git branch to perform the change if decided.
> Here is a discussion summary: in favor of three.js, we have
> - three.js, which is based on the WebGL API, displays 3d plots faster than
>   Jmol, and with a better quality
> - 3d plots rendered with three.js can be publicly shared via
>, contrary to those rendered with Jmol, which 
> appear as
>   blank spaces, cf. this test notebook:
> - three.js enables to label the plot axes (via the option 'axes_labels', 
> the default
>   of which is ['x', 'y', 'z']); on the opposite, there are no labels on 
> Jmol
>   plots and the option 'axes_labels' is ineffective, which looks like a 
> serious
>   drawback for a mathematical software...
> - Jmol causes many troubles to Sage packagers (see #22408 
> <> for details);
>   for instance in Sage 8.8 console, Jmol display is broken on recent
>   Debian-based distros (e.g. Debian Buster and Ubuntu 18.04), due to a JRE
>   issue; fortunately this is fixed by 
> On the con side, there are
> - the current lack of non-interactive conversion of three.js views to 
> static
>   png figures (in interactive mode, the black arrow mentioned above does 
> the
>   job). As a result, the png figures in the reference manual will still be
>   generated with Jmol, as proposed in #22408 
> <>
> - some minor opacity issues (see #22408 
> <> for details)
> Given the above elements, please vote!
> Eric. 

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