> The algorithm in question is described in “Ideals, Varieties, and
> Algorithms” by David Cox, John Little and Donal O’Shea in Section "§3 A
> Division Algorithm in k[x_1 , … , x_n]".

It is not:

    sage: A.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(QQ, order="lex")
    sage: (x*y^2 + 1).reduce([x*y + 1, y+1])
    x + 1
    sage: (x*y^2 + 1).reduce([y+1, x*y + 1])
    x + 1

whereas Example 1 in §3 gives remainder 2;

    sage: A.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(QQ, order="lex")
    sage: (x^2*y + x*y^2 + y^2).reduce([x*y - 1, y^2 - 1])
    2*x + 1
    sage: (x^2*y + x*y^2 + y^2).reduce([y^2 - 1, x*y - 1])
    2*x + 1

whereas Example 2 gives remainder x + y + 1.

> My understanding is it does the (naïve?) reduction algorithm:
> reducing = True
> while reducing:
>     reducing = False
>     for expr in I:
>         if expr.leading_monomial().divides(cur.leading_monomial()):
>             cur -= cur.leading_term() / expr.leading_term() * expr
>             reducing = True

It does not:

    sage: def travis_red(f, I):
    ....:     cur = f
    ....:     reducing = True
    ....:     while reducing:
    ....:         reducing = False
    ....:         for expr in I:
    ....:             if expr.lm().divides(cur.lm()):
    ....:                 cur -= cur.lt() // expr.lt() * expr
    ....:                 reducing = True
    ....:     return cur
    sage: travis_red(x^2*y + x*y^2 + y^2, [y^2 - 1, x*y - 1])
    2*x + y^2

> Singular itself does this (see pp. 51-52 of "A Singular Introduction
> to Commutative Algebra") and the text even speaks of a non-unique "NF
> [normal form] w.r.t. a non-standard basis", illustrating how the
> results are different when the basis is not standard (aka Gröbner)
> and how there is a unique canonical result when the basis is
> standard.

Singular seems to have changed algorithm since. The example 1.6.13
you're referring to computes slightly different:

    sage: A.<x,y,z> = PolynomialRing(QQ, order="degrevlex")
    sage: f = x^2*y*z + x*y^2*z + y^2*z + z^3 + x*y
    sage: f1 = x*y + y^2 - 1
    sage: f2 = x*y
    sage: f.reduce([f1, f2]) # same as in the example
    y^2*z + z^3
    sage: f.reduce([f2, f1]) # missing a xz monomial
    y^2*z + z^3 - y^2 + 1


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