Hi there,

I’m fairly certain that I wrote that code or was at least involved since I wrote most of the first version of the libsingular stuff, David’s commit output by `git blame` is a merge commit.

The algorithm in question is described in “Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms” by David Cox, John Little and Donal O’Shea in Section "§3 A Division Algorithm in k[x_1 , … , x_n]".

I didn’t check, though, if under the hood Singular does some additional tricks which might modify the output when I is not a GB.


PS: Checking if something is a GB calls reduce to check. See `basis_is_groebner`.

Luca De Feo <de...@lix.polytechnique.fr> writes:
+1 for doing something.

What about the following fix: When the input is a list/tuple, we check if it is a Groebner basis or not. If it is, do the computation, if not,
print a warning or raise an error.

Sounds reasonable.

Other options would be:

- Just refuse list input.
- Always compute a Groebner basis.

Since it seems that David Roe wrote the original code, his opinion
would be very valuable.



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