On 2017-10-17, Luca De Feo <de...@lix.polytechnique.fr> wrote:
>> It takes I as the generators of the ideal and uses that as the reduction
>> set.
> That's not a definition. I'm in front of a class asking what this
> function does, and I'm unable to give a mathematical definition of
> what Sage means by "reduction" modulo something that's not a Groebner
> basis.

Why do they expect you to be able to? Unless it is a class on
commutative algebra.

>> What it does is probably do the reduction using the list in reverse order
>> for this case.
> "Probably" is not a mathematical definition. Besides, I think it's
> more complicated than that.

I agree on that part of your statement. When implementing polynomial
reduction, the result (if you reduce by a list of polynomials that
do not form a Gröbner basis) will depend on the order in which
the reductions are done - hence, the outcome is not uniquely
determined by the underlying mathematics but by implementation
details. Not uncommon, if the result isn't unique.

> Am I the only one who's regularly embarassed explaining Sage's quirks
> to an audience of beginners (or not beginners)?

Are your students the only ones that are embarassed if the teacher
tells them that they are looking at a method which can only
be understood with a background in some specific subfield of maths
(such as number fields, commutative algebra, group theory, topology)?
My students certainly wouldn't be embarassed.


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