> The expertise to choose a suitable aggregation rule for the poll results 
> is in house 
> (literally - my wife does research on this sort of stuff, computational 
> social choice :-)).

True!  But she also knows there ain't no suitable rule for all definitions 
of suitable ... luckily it really shouldn't matter here, I would be 
surprised if there is a lot of buy-in for advertising the changes beyond 
ones that are obviously big e.g. including sage-matroids or significant 
upgrade to a dependency to fix a lot of bugs or something.   

Honestly, if you just give an optional trac line that unambiguously says 
something like "optional - release note advertisement" (better wording 
needed) then people who care will put something there. If it becomes a 
problem to just take this info from there because of too much or bad 
quality, then you could move to a poll.  But who will even bother showing 
up to vote on the poll?  You'll have "bias" either way, the natural one of 
self-selection.  I really don't think a ton of people are going to be 
saying "fixed one-character typo" is significant enough for release notes 
when they do it.  (Whether fixing lots of little bugs should show up is a 
different matter, but one that any ticket-by-ticket auto-generated thing 
won't solve.)

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