On Wednesday, 30 September 2015 21:19:08 UTC+2, Volker Braun wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at 8:34:06 PM UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:
>> I think $100k annual is more realistically the market rate.
> http://www.glassdoor.com/Salary/Google-Salaries-E9079.htm

64,000 Euros, 103,000 Euros, 88,000 Euros. Those are the salaries Google is 
offering. Looks like I was pretty close.

> And I don't think that the average software engineer can write a 
> superoptimizer that beats gmp/mpir in a year.

I know someone who did it in 3 months. I'm quite certain it can be done in 
a year, especially if I teach them how to do it and especially if that is 
their full time job. :-)

> Excluding any google engineers on this list, of course ;-)
> Its true that salaries in Germany are a bit lower, but then limiting 
> yourself to the ones that don't want to move isn't exactly helpful if you 
> want them to be in Kaiserslautern.
> I'm not saying that its your fault, its more of a systemic problem in 
> Mathematics. Either you provide a career path for scientists writing 
> software, or you pay a lot more for the private sector to do it for you.

Yeah I can't disagree with you on that last point.


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