I don't see why would you make people use Sage for that, just so you can 
get the Sage usage figures up, instead of writing that as a simple Python 

Just taking other software and making it part of Sage so that "Sage can do 
that too" isn't an argument for the adoption of Sage.

I think I see that you would like a community of electronics engineers in 
the Sage community. But I'm not personally convinced that is the way to do 

I think if it were me I'd set up a sage-engineering subproject and start 
writing code that uses Sage, starting with the things that the greatest 
number of engineers need in a very broad sense. Then figure out what Sage 
can offer them that other projects don't, and then build it. But I'm not an 
electronics engineer, so I really have little insight into that.


On Wednesday, 30 September 2015 22:19:06 UTC+2, Dr. David Kirkby (Kirkby 
Microwave Ltd) wrote:
> On 30 September 2015 at 18:05, Jori Mäntysalo <jori.ma...@uta.fi 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> It is usually good to build on strong points. So, what are best areas in 
>> Sage? Where it now is The Software(tm) to use?
>> And how could we expand those to some near area?
> I'm not convinced that is true - in fact, I would go as far as to say it 
> is false. 
> Will adding more number theory stuff into Sage increase the user base? I 
> suspect the fact that Sage is already strong in that area, means it will 
> not. 
> Would improving the symbolic maths help? I suspect it would, as rightly or 
> wrongly, (and I don't claim to be a good judge of that), I think 
> Mathematica is seen by many as the best overall package for symbolic maths. 
> I used vector network analyzers (VNAs) a lot in my job. They measure the 
> impedance of devices, and normally save data as S-parameters (Scattering 
> parameters), which basically have frequency in one column, and the 
> magnitude and angle of a reflected or transmitted wave in other columns. 
> The file format is pretty simple - here's a bit of an example file, which I 
> collected from one of my instruments using the GPIB bus. 
> ! This is a touchstone format file. 
> ! It should be saved with .s2p extension 
> ! HEWLETT PACKARD,8720D,0,7.74  
> ! Date = 31 Aug 2013
> ! Time = 18:37:05
> ! Start frequency = 0.050000000 GHz
> ! Stop frequency  = 6.000000000 GHz
> ! IF bandwidth = 100 Hz
> ! Averaging = OFF
> ! Averaging factor = 2
> ! Port extensions = OFF
> ! Port extension 1 = 0.000000 ps
> ! Port extension 2 = 0.000000 ps
> ! Points  = 1601
> ! Calibration kit = User-defined
> ! Calibration = Full 2-port
> ! freq magS11 angS11 magS21 angS21 magS12 angS12 magS22 angS22
> ! Magnitudes are in log form
> ! Angles are in degrees
> # MHz S DB R 50
> 50 -61.8945 -16.5234 -29.7334 -2.63403 -29.7471 -2.63953 -60.0195 39.3203
> 53.7188 -63.7793 -20.7686 -29.7539 -2.89636 -29.7461 -3.00757 -59.5742 
> 37.5234
> 57.4375 -62.4453 -4.62256 -29.7158 -3.19153 -29.7617 -3.09814 -59.7539 
> 34.6055
> 61.1562 -60.2402 -1.19067 -29.7373 -3.16272 -29.7656 -3.47717 -60.5273 
> 37.7832
> Now since it contains data as a function of frequency, one can get it as a 
> function of time by doing an Inverse Fourier Transform (IFT). Now Keysight, 
> who produce a lot of VNAs charge you around $3000 to do enable the software 
> in their instruments to do the IFT and so display data as a function of 
> time. Now lots of people don't have that option, so it is not uncommon to 
> see people wanting to do the IFT outside their instrument. 
> I normally direct them to bit of free software, that is designed for a low 
> cost (<$1000) vector network analyzer, but the author, who is an academic, 
> has written it in such a way that it can read the above file format and 
> display the time-domain data. 
> I'm sure it would not be rocket science in Sage to do this, but you would 
> have to write code to parse the file properly, do the IFT with windowing. 
> It is much easier to just use a bit of software that has the functionality 
> built in. 
> Dave 

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