Repost from sage-coding-theory, by Daniel Augot:

This is great news! Is there any plan to implement semaphore codes in the 
> near future (see the book by Jean Berstel 
> <>, Dominique 
> Perrin <>, 
> Christophe 
> Reutenauer 
> <> on 
"Codes and Automata")? This would be super useful!
Sorry, that's not in our road-map currently. The project will be centered 
around error-correcting codes, with a focus on algebraic coding theory. 
We'll also be touching upon the cryptographic applications (e.g. McEliece 

That is part of our road-map, but inside our road map, we have that we want 
to discuss and interact with people interested in coding theory in Sage, to 
identify various needs. It's open. 

But yes, most of our concerns will be centered around the algorithmic 
aspects of coding theory, be it for coding theory per se, cryptography 
(there is more than McEliece : proof of retrievability, proof of ownership, 
etc), theoretical computer science, math investigation.

Concerning matroids, designs, sphere packings, lattices and other domains 
connected to coding theory, since we have  man power, and time, we will try 
to be  as much as possible consistent with the existing APIs or interfaces, 
to avoid users  converting objects between different classes.

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