On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 8:37 AM, Johan S. R. Nielsen
<santaph...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Once more: please, don't try to shortcut the review process. Play it fair.
>> Don't develop everything in your office only to come back later expecting us
>> to merge everything at once without reviewing it. Please create tickets,
>> please discuss the implementations on the tickets, please review everything.
>> Sage's review process makes things slower, but if you are 3+1 to be
>> interested in this project you have the manpower (and the will) to do this
>> properly.
> We were actually concerned that it would be regarded as too inbred if we
> review David's code?

All that matters is that you do a good job.  Hopefully, other Sage
developers will sometimes  double check your reviewing work.  For
example [1]: "Did any of the reviewers (Volker? [William?]) actually
read the code on this ticket? I've started doing this and there are
many things to be improved... "

[1] http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/16803

>> I will be glad to help whenever I can. It sure is a a good news.
> Cool :-D
>> Working with Vincent on Combinatorial Designs (many tickets between beta
>> releases) taught us that it is better to 'artificially' order all tickets
>> linearly. Each ticket should have a successor and a predecessor, and they
>> should all be linearly ordered. It is tempting to let some branches be
>> independent, but if for some reason you find out later that they still
>> interact somehow it will create a *LOT* of mess if you already have tickets
>> based on those two branches.
> Hmm, this is a very interesting idea. We'll think about doing something like
> this.
>> This is great news! Is there any plan to implement semaphore codes in the
>> near future (see the book by Jean Berstel, Dominique Perrin, Christophe
>> Reutenauer on
>> "Codes and Automata")? This would be super useful!
> Sorry, that's not in our road-map currently. The project will be centered
> around error-correcting codes, with a focus on algebraic coding theory.
> We'll also be touching upon the cryptographic applications (e.g. McEliece
> cryptosystem).
>> Also important: start small, fix a few bugs just to get used to the Sage
>> development model.
> Yes, this is important. That's on David's todo-list for next week :-)
>> Try to make this person attend a Sage Days early on.
> Good idea! We'll keep an eye out for one which fits. Also, there is the
> GroupeUtilisateursParis which he should join.
>> The goal should be to have code with *positive_review*, not just to have
>> code. There is no point in continuing to produce more code if there are 10
>> needs_work tickets.
>  Totally agree! But there might well be 10 needing_review tickets :-)
>> I think it would also be a good idea to get in contact with the matroids
>> folk who got a lot of code integrated into Sage some time ago. Or even
>> better with Eric Gourgoulhon whos currently writing a lot of code for his
>> project and getting it integrated into Sage piece by piece. On top of that
>> he's not so far away from Polytechnique...
> Thanks, we'll look into it, but see my clarifications on the main focus
> above.
> Johan
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William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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