On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 07:58:53PM +0200, Nathann Cohen wrote:
>    About dependencies (again):
>    Working with Vincent on Combinatorial Designs (many tickets between
>    beta releases) taught us that it is better to 'artificially' order all
>    tickets linearly. Each ticket should have a successor and a
>    predecessor, and they should all be linearly ordered. It is tempting to
>    let some branches be independent, but if for some reason you find out
>    later that they still interact somehow it will create a *LOT* of mess
>    if you already have tickets based on those two branches.

On en revient finalement à la bonne vieille pile de patchs :-)

Bon, ok, avec quand même de la bien meilleure technologie pour rebaser!

Bonne nuit!
Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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