
Thank you for your very thoughtful comments in several different threads.  
Naturally there is no one response to all of them - indeed, it touches on 
things that researchers of open-source development and motivation (not the 
developers themselves) have been filling reams of (virtual) paper with.  I 
hope you will find an open ear for your points.  I will just comment on two 
of them.

"If your software community is not inclusive, you will reject individual

contributions that might be very interesting (and remain unaware of it),

and that pattern will lead to larger collaborations having a hard time

working at the periphery of the core project. This will decrease the chance

of the core project recruiting new contributors."

Indeed!  Although there are occasional flame-fests (the findstat thread 
being a notable recent example), it seems to me that the Sage community has 
time and again tried to avoid the "rtfm" ethic that sometimes guides 
open-source help forums.  There are a number of people - some of whom are 
less active now - who have always made it a point to make the lists, 
asksage, etc. very welcoming to newcomers.  Perhaps we need a refresher 
course on hospitality, if you have experienced otherwise.

That said, I think you are referring to software contributions themselves, 
and here we come upon something William already stumbled on when he started 
psage (though I haven't checked in on that project in a while).  A maturing 
project necessarily builds different self-governance structures (see Weber, 
"The Success of Open Source" and his analysis of several famous Linux 
episodes, for example) than when it was early in development, and at this 
time there is definitely a procedural barrier that tries to touch on some 
of the issues of quality that rjf and others occasionally bring up, but 
which makes it harder to get contributions in.  (I'll be commenting longer 
on this in another thread.)

However, I would argue this is a different kind of "inclusiveness" issue 
than what the PSF is referring to.  In fact, I would argue that Sage is not 
suffering from a lack of inclusiveness at all in this sense, but rather 
from a lack of resources to manage or solicit contributions from a wide 
scope of areas, some of which are more peripheral to the software proper.  
This goes along with another of your points.

"What I am advocating is to understand that beyond sage there is

a wider ecosystem of people who are devoted to goals around sage (LMFDB,

sage-combinat, findstat, sagemathcloud, the failed sage-explorer,...),

possibly different from yours but that active mutual cooperation would be


As some examples, I would point out:

 * The San Diego State tutorials - nicely done, now open for more 
development, but never either fully in Sage nor really fully taken 
advantage of.  

 * The "Use Sage" idea from Springer, which didn't go anywhere (by 
consensus of developers) but also didn't really (as far as I know, I could 
be mistaken) pan out in the samizdat Sage world as planned.

 * Various other projects which aim to use Sage "under the hood" for other 
purposes, such as Mathlynx, possibly Ximera, the folks who do Maplets for 
Calculus in a new project

But I really don't think it's because of some implicit or explicit lack of 
diversity, except in that, as with any open-source project, people scratch 
their own itch if they don't have some other incentive.  The incentives 
don't have to be big - I recall trying out all kinds of tickets I didn't 
care about personally because they were on a list William gave us at a Sage 
Days - but there has to be *some* incentive.  And for the contributors we 
currently attract, it tends to skew pretty heavily toward research, 
certainly with some for web development or teaching.

So the issue is finding ways to promote some of the newer developments in 
the ecosystem without coercing, finding random revenue, or the like.  SMC 
is a notable exception here, possible because William has some dedicated 
time set aside for this.  Several categories I wish I had time to shepherd 

 * Curated set of examples; was a great start in this 
direction, but sort of petered out.

 * Having set of people who could go around country (world?) doing low-cost 
tutorials for research or teaching.

 * Making a high-quality set of screencasts for Sage use.  I can't even 
count how many people have told me they wanted to do this, but I don't 
think there ended up being very many, and they certainly aren't organized 
in a nice central way.  Compare this to Geogebratube.

 * Localization.  This is harder because of the commands being in English, 
but there has been a lot of trouble even getting translations in because 
not enough people feel qualified at both the Sage and the language to 
review them properly.  See e.g. [1].

I'm sure you can think of others.

Unfortunately, after seven years or so of working with Sage, I'm not sure I 
have any good answer for how to make that happen.  Geogebra has a good 
model, I think, and to some extent WeBWorK as well, but Sage is primarily 
aimed at a different place.  Suggestions would be very welcome indeed.

- kcrisman



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