In the big wave of emails exchanged today, I sent this one, by accident to
the wrong mailing list. I recopy it below:

When I went to pycon, the most important thing I learned is the importance
of a diverse community for the development of python. This I learned from
the top, the board of the Python Software Foundation (cf. Lindberg's
keynote at pycon, for instance), and saw in action absolutely everywhere.

This diversity is to be understood in a very broad sense:
- diversity of origins,
- diversity of genders,
- diversity of lifestyles,
- diversity of professional activities,
- ...

I can egocentrically agree with the PSF on the fourth: the fact that python
is tied to so many different fields, ranging from professional software
development world to all kinds of scientific disciplines, is a major
selling point for many people. This was the case for me (and William),
coming from a world of special purpose mathematical software. Relying on a
mature language with a diverse ecosystem encourages a wider array of
contribution to sage. I will posit that a similar motivator was present for
many of us who come with previous experience in other languages.

If your software community is not inclusive, you will reject individual
contributions that might be very interesting (and remain unaware of it),
and that pattern will lead to larger collaborations having a hard time
working at the periphery of the core project. This will decrease the chance
of the core project recruiting new contributors. And we are talking about
highly qualified contributions here, contributions that the sage project
really does not want to end in Magma first. For instance, pick the LMFDB or
findstat. How much of their code is written tiptoeing around sage itself,
and if you make an objective assessment should fit better in sage than in
their project? Bear in mind that the software was developed itself already
tiptoeing around sage's core community (which might be unfair, because a
community's tone is often defined by just a few individuals who speak

You might ask how origin, genders, lifestyles come in play here. Well,
being inclusive starts simply by being curteous and making people feel at
ease, and in some particular circumstances being "explicit is better than
implicit". It might very well be that a queer person finds the python
community very welcoming (based on objective facts such that one out of
five tracks at pycon was aimed at promoting diversity in the community, or
the diversity of the speakers), that she wants to contribute back, so much
so that she decides to organize a python education summit, where educators
of students of all backgrounds and ages can share tips on how to build a
python pipeline together, one that takes anyone between the age of 5 to the
age of whatever and turns them into a competent enough programmer that the
community is better off from it. Somehow it all works for the better,
because you have to trust individuals that if they like a project they will
contribute to it in a positive way, with their own creativity.

This pipeline exists, and is actively fostered by the Python Software
Foundation as one of the most important assets of the python ecosystem.
Contrast the shortsightedness of the academic community wrt the leaky
pipeline for instance, with the attitude of the PSF described here. There
is no comparison.

At the same time, my reflections since pycon have led me to understand that
it would make sense for things to develop the way they have so far. The PSF
has much closer contacts to the corporate world, and it has a much smaller
board (which helps make bold decisions more easily than a decentralised
system of tenured professors).

How are the corporate world connections important? Well, open source
software is the flagship of Open Innovation, a new and deep trend in
industry that encourages opening up to the world what was considered trade
secrets not long ago (cf. the work of Georg von Krogh, for instance). Open
Innovation makes more business sense if the community that watches those
overtures is wider, because it is then more likely to come up with new
ideas that would have never arisen within closed walls of the company.
Following perfect logical arguments, after some stage the only way to grow
a community is to make it more diverse (in the broad sense described
above), and companies realised that too: promoting diversity also makes
business sense. Now this idea is flowing back to open source software, like
the python ecosystem, and it is only to the credit of the PSF to take this
stance. This is very different from other languages apparently.

Maybe my perspective of the python community was skewed by the fact that
pycon is a US-centric conference. I would be curious to see how it compares
to EuroPython for those aspects, but will be unable to attend.

All this is especially true I would think for software like sage, which
aims to be a replacement to the large CAS software companies. Look at all
the outreach efforts that have "Wolfram" in their name. I am not saying
that the sage core community should develop a copy of the whole Wolfram
ecosystem. What I am advocating is to understand that beyond sage there is
a wider ecosystem of people who are devoted to goals around sage (LMFDB,
sage-combinat, findstat, sagemathcloud, the failed sage-explorer,...),
possibly different from yours but that active mutual cooperation would be
beneficial. While 90% of the code of these projects will not belong to
sage, it is important that their extension points do sit in the code and
are thought through, because these extension points welcome creativity and
other innovators to build cool stuff on top of sage, and make it easier for
the core contributors to help them too, with epsilon additional effort.

Finally, for the specific context of how successful mathematical
communities work together, I would advise anyone to read papers by Ursula
Martin and her coauthors.

Paul-Olivier Dehaye
SNF Professor of Mathematics
University of Zurich
skype: lokami_lokami (preferred)
phone: +41 76 407 57 96
twitter: podehaye
freenode irc: pdehaye

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