oops, here's the code!  I keep getting server erros when trying to attach 
as a file, so I'm just including the text of the code file below:

class GroupAction(Parent):
    def __init__(self, G, S, phi):
        #phi a group action G\times S \rightarrow S

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Action of "+self.G.__repr__()+" on the set 

    def action(self, g, s):
        Gives the action of g on s.
        return self.phi(g,s)

    def group(self):
        Group which acts.
        return self.G

    def gset(self):
        Set on which the group acts.
        return self.S

    def action_function(self):
        Function from `G\times S \rightarrow S`.
        return self.phi

    def check_action(self, g, h, s):
        Checks whether g(hs)=(gh)s.
        return self.phi(g*h,s)==self.phi(g,self.phi(h,s))

    def check_action_full(self, gens=None, contragradiant=False):
        Checks that this is actually a group action using a generating set 
        the group acting on the full set.
        assert self.S.is_finite(), 'Cannot check group action on an 
infinite set.'
        if gens==None:
            #Should check if g has gens implemented.
        for g in gens:
            for h in gens:
                for s in S:
                    if contragradiant:
                        if not self.phi(g*h,s)==self.phi(g,self.phi(h,s)):
                            stringy=g.__repr__()+', '+h.__repr__()+' 
                            assert False, 'Action fails on '+stringy
                        if not self.phi(h*g,s)==self.phi(g,self.phi(h,s)):
                            stringy=g.__repr__()+', '+h.__repr__()+' 
                            assert False, 'Action fails on '+stringy
        return True

    def orbit(self, s):
        return Set([self.action(g,s) for g in self.group()])

    def is_transitive(self):
        if len(self.gset())==0: return True
        return orbit(s)==Set(self.gset())

    def twist(self, endomorphism):
        Twists this representation by an endomorphism of the group.
        kappa=lambda g,s: phi( endomorphism(g), s)
        return GroupAction(self.G, self.S, kappa)

    def character(self):
        Count fixed points for conjugacy class representatives.
        for g in self.G.conjugacy_classes_representatives():
            for s in self.S:
                if self.action(g,s)==s: fix+=1
        return c

    def cayley_graph(self, gens=None):
        Builds a cayley graph of the group action, using the specified 
generating set.
        assert self.S.is_finite(), 'Cannot check group action on an 
infinite set.'
        if gens==None:
            #Should check if g has gens implemented.
        for g in gens:
            for s in self.gset():
                G.add_edge( s, self.action(g,s) )
        return G

    def product_action(self, B):
        Given a second group action B with the same group and set T, 
        the product group action of self and B.

        assert self.group()==B.group(), 'Actions need to have same group 
        kappa=lambda g, u: U( [self.action_function()(g,u[0]), 
B.action(g,u[1])] )
        return GroupAction(G,U,kappa)

#Example 1: Usual symmetric group action.
sage: G=SymmetricGroup(4)
sage: S=Set([1,2,3,4])
sage: phi = lambda g,s: g(s)
sage: A=GroupAction(G,S,phi)
sage: A.character()
[4, 2, 0, 1, 0]

#Example 2: Symmetric group acting on a set.
sage: rho=lambda g,s: Set([phi(g,t) for t in s])
sage: T=Subsets(S,2)
sage: B=GroupAction(G,T,rho)
sage: B.character()
[6, 2, 2, 0, 0]

#Example 3: Product action.
sage: C=A.product_action(B)
sage: C.character()            
[24, 4, 0, 0, 0]

#Example 4: Twist by an automorphism.
sage: a=G.an_element()^2
sage: ai=a.inverse()
sage: auto=lambda g: a*g*ai
sage: At=A.twist(auto)
sage: y=G.simple_reflection(1)
sage: [A.action(y,s) for s in S]
[2, 1, 3, 4]
sage: [At.action(y,s) for s in S]
[1, 2, 4, 3]

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