On Mar 30, 2009, at 6:36 AM, Henryk Trappmann wrote:

> Ok, here is a first shot that has 100% coverage (except dumps):
> http://github.com/bo198214/hyperops/raw/ 
> 09e1da3372d7b431cdf557ffe164df9f91c08e68/formal_powerseries.py
> I finally decided to name it FPSRing, for Formal Power Series Ring. It
> resides in sage.rings.formal_powerseries

I'd rather it were named the more verbose, but significantly more  
explicit, FormalPowerSeriesRing. This fits better with the naming of  
all the other rings, and we do have tab completion after all. (As an  
aside, when I see FPS, I think of "frames per second" and I'm not  
even a gammer.)

> I hope Nicolas M. Thiery can throw a look onto it, and give me some
> suggestions (public or private), while trying out what he wanted to do
> with it, being my reviewer.
> For me there are several open questions yet:
> 1. I dont know anything about coercing

Please see http://wiki.sagemath.org/coercion . If you this is  
insufficiently clear please ask.

> 2. I have no idea how to approach pickling, how to get dumps to work.
> I think that the attribute functions are the problem like William
> said.

The basic idea is to implement a __reduce__ method, which returns a  

     callable, (args,to,pass,to,callable)

and then on unpickling (loads) it will return callable 
(args,to,pass,to,callable) as the re-constructed object.

> 3. I dont know what "sum_generator" and "product_generator" in Mike's
> implementation do.
> 4. I dont know about formatting docstrings.

I would just open up integer.pyx, or some other file, for lots of  
examples here.

> 5. If I define _pow_ it cant be used with non-integer exponents, this
> comes somehow from RingElement. So I instead defined __pow__. I dont
> know exactly about the benefits or drawbacks of defining _operator_
> instead of __operator__. I also dont know for which operators such
> distinction exists, e.g. is there also a _lshift_ and _rshift_ and so
> on?

For powering, it is simplest to override __pow__. As for the others,  
see the link above, but the basic idea is that when _add_, _sub_,  
_mul_, and _div_ are called, both inputs are guaranteed to have the  
same parent (i.e. they both will be formal power series over the same  
basering) so you don't, for example, have to worry about manually  
handling if someone is trying to add an integer, or rational, etc. to  
your power series. The default (Element) x.__add__(y) will coerce x  
and y into the same parent if necissary, and then call x._add_(y).  
There is also _rmul_ and _lmul_ which are used to implement  
multiplication by a scalar.

- Robert

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