Hi Stan,

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 5:59 AM, Stan Schymanski <schym...@gmail.com>
> It seems that you and Jason are getting a firm grip on this, which is
> great. Just out of curiosity and my ignorance of the underlying code: Is
> your aim to hard-code certain functions, or is your aim to provide the
> users with the possibility of defining the latex representation of their
> functions? I assume it is the latter, as there is an indefinite number
> of possible function names. Could you confirm?

My current aim was to deal with the function names which are
named after Greek letters, and possibly with suffixes. For example:
function names such as "psi", "tau0", "alpha_mn"  "Psi_alpha" etc.

Could you please give some examples for the later case? May be
I am missing your point.

Jason: I am attaching the patch for enhancing typesetting of
functions. I need to add doc-tests though. In the patch, I have
implemented all the situations that I planned to do.

Apart from the situations I mentioned earlier, it now also
supports following types of function name (single letters with
(6)  function('f1',x)   =>   f_{1}\left(x\right)

(7)  function('T_sigma',x)   =>   T_{\sigma}\left(x\right)

(8) function('R_ab',x)    =>  R_{ab}\left(x\right)

Currently, the major problem is to figure out: whats going
wrong in typesetting "diff( psi(x), x)" even
though  "exp(psi(x))" works beautifully. Similar issue
arises for "integrate", "conjugate"...


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# HG changeset patch
# User Golam Mortuza Hossain <gmhoss...@gmail.com>
# Date 1238095231 10800
# Node ID 194e7cf7dfe3ba07ac44a820341ae9ef47f30ddb
# Parent  17fe77f21e21c79cb989aaab2e2fe128d16beaa1
Adds supoort for type-setting functions as Greek letters

diff -r 17fe77f21e21 -r 194e7cf7dfe3 sage/calculus/calculus.py
--- a/sage/calculus/calculus.py	Thu Mar 26 15:00:42 2009 -0300
+++ b/sage/calculus/calculus.py	Thu Mar 26 16:20:31 2009 -0300
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
 from sage.structure.parent_base import ParentWithBase
 import operator
-from sage.misc.latex import latex, latex_variable_name
+from sage.misc.latex import latex, latex_variable_name, latex_function_name
 from sage.misc.misc import uniq as unique
 from sage.structure.sage_object import SageObject
@@ -9749,6 +9749,9 @@
             {{{\it \partial}}\over{{\it \partial}\,x}}\,\left \lceil x \right \rceil
+        name = latex_function_name(self._f._name)
+        if name is not False:
+            return "%s\\left(%s\\right)"%(name, ', '.join([latex(x) for x in self._args]))
             return  latex(self._maxima_())
diff -r 17fe77f21e21 -r 194e7cf7dfe3 sage/misc/latex.py
--- a/sage/misc/latex.py	Thu Mar 26 15:00:42 2009 -0300
+++ b/sage/misc/latex.py	Thu Mar 26 16:20:31 2009 -0300
@@ -756,6 +756,53 @@
+def latex_function_name(x):
+    """
+    If possible return common function names such as alpha, beta1, 
+    psi_00, R_mn, etc. as latex symbols otherwise return False.
+    This function is based largely on latex_variable_name function.
+    """
+    # For known names return them after preprending with "\\"
+    if x in common_varnames:
+        return "\\" + x
+    underscore = x.find("_")
+    if underscore == -1:
+        import re
+        # * The "\d|[.,]" means "decimal digit" or period or comma
+        # * The "+" means "1 or more"
+        # * The "$" means "at the end of the line"
+        m = re.search('(\d|[.,])+$',x)
+        if m is None:
+            prefix = x
+            suffix = None
+        else:
+            prefix = x[:m.start()]
+            suffix = x[m.start():]
+    else:
+        prefix = x[:underscore]
+        suffix = x[underscore+1:]
+        if len(suffix)== 0:
+            return False
+    # If suffix contains underscores then don't process
+    if suffix and suffix.find("_") != -1:
+        return False
+    # If prefix is not a common name or a more-than-one letters word
+    # then don't process
+    if prefix not in common_varnames and len(prefix) != 1:
+        return False
+    if prefix in common_varnames:
+        prefix = "\\" + prefix
+    if suffix and len(suffix) > 0:
+        if suffix in common_varnames:
+            suffix = "\\" + suffix
+        return '%s_{%s}'%(prefix, suffix)
+    else:
+        return '%s'%(prefix)
 def latex_varify(a):
     if a in common_varnames:
         return "\\" + a

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