
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:25 PM, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This will be going on the main sagemath.org webpage, and could be a
> superb way of getting
> students really interested in sage.   I wonder if somebody could
> volunteer to read through
> the tutorial and make some comments, find typos, etc.?   It's fun, not
> too long, etc.

>From the "Limits at Infinity" page at


here are some typos and suggestions:

[1] You might want to rewrite the snippet

"Let's analyze a couple of not-so-straigtforward examples concerning"


"Let's analyze a couple of not-so-straightforward examples concerning"
(i.e. fix the typo "straigtforward")

[2] For the graph at


the accompanying Sage code gives a graph that's different from your
graph. I still obtain a graph of the same function as that in your
graph, but the minimum and maximum parameters of the y-axis are
different from yours. Perhaps you might want to use this Sage code:

plot((2*x^4 + x^2 + 2)/(x^4 + 1), x, -4, 4).show(xmin=-3, xmax=3,
ymin=-1, ymax=2.5)

[3] You might want to rewrite the sentence

"A function that continues to move between two or more values as its
independent variable (x) approaches positive or negative infinity is
called an oscillating function."


"An oscillating function is a function that continues to move between
two or more values as its independent variable (x) approaches positive
or negative infinity."

[4] For the graph at


its accompanying Sage code produces a plot that's a bit different from
your image. Perhaps you set your minimum y-value to something like

[5] You might want to rewrite the sentence

"The sine of a really big number must still be somewhere in the range
of -1 and 1, while denominator, however, will simply be a really big


"The sine of a really big number must still be somewhere in the range
of -1 and 1, while the denominator will simply be a really big

[6] Under the section "Oscillating Functions", the code snippet

def f(x):
    return sin(x)/x

print '|   x   |   f(x)    |'
print '|-------------------|'
for x in [10000..10010]:
    print '|%6i | %+f |'%(x, f(x))

produces this within my Sage 3.1.1 session:

sage: def f(x):
....:     return sin(x) / x
sage: print '|   x   |   f(x)    |'
|   x   |   f(x)    |
sage: print '|-------------------|'
sage: for x in [10000..10010]:
....:     print '|%6i | %+f |'%(x, f(x))
| 10000 | -0.000031 |
| 10001 | -0.000097 |
| 10002 | -0.000074 |
| 10003 | +0.000017 |
| 10004 | +0.000092 |
| 10005 | +0.000083 |
| 10006 | -0.000003 |
| 10007 | -0.000086 |
| 10008 | -0.000090 |
| 10009 | -0.000011 |
| 10010 | +0.000077 |

which doesn't really produce a table header that's contiguous with the
table entries. Perhaps you were trying to do something like:

def f(x):
    return sin(x) / x
def table():
    print '|   x   |   f(x)    |'
    print '|-------------------|'
    for x in [10000..10010]:
        print '|%6i | %+f |'%(x, f(x))

So with the above two function definitions, we would get

sage: table()
|   x   |   f(x)    |
| 10000 | -0.000031 |
| 10001 | -0.000097 |
| 10002 | -0.000074 |
| 10003 | +0.000017 |
| 10004 | +0.000092 |
| 10005 | +0.000083 |
| 10006 | -0.000003 |
| 10007 | -0.000086 |
| 10008 | -0.000090 |
| 10009 | -0.000011 |
| 10010 | +0.000077 |

which I assume is what you want to show: a table header together with
table entries.

Minh Van Nguyen

Web: http://nguyenminh2.googlepages.com
Blog: http://mvngu.wordpress.com

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