
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:25 PM, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This will be going on the main sagemath.org webpage, and could be a
> superb way of getting
> students really interested in sage.   I wonder if somebody could
> volunteer to read through
> the tutorial and make some comments, find typos, etc.?   It's fun, not
> too long, etc.

>From the page


here are some typos and suggestions:

[1]  Change the title "Intro" to "Introduction", in both the title of
the above page as well as a link under the "Contents" section.

[2] You might want to rewrite the sentence

"From initial concepts to increasingly complex techniques and
applications, this tutorial is meant to accompany a high school- or
college-level beginning calculus course and to teach you how to
interact with the incredibly robust yet free and open-source Sage
Computer Algebra System."

as follows:

"From initial concepts to increasingly complex techniques and
applications, this tutorial is meant to accompany a high school- or
college-level beginning calculus course. You'll learn how to interact
with the incredibly robust, yet free and open-source, Sage Computer
Algebra System."

Minh Van Nguyen

Web: http://nguyenminh2.googlepages.com
Blog: http://mvngu.wordpress.com

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