
It built fine on 3 machines:

- 32-bit dell laptop running ubuntu
- 64-bit 4-processor (AMD) running redhat of some sort
- 32-bit mac os x laptop

Testing was also successful on the first two machines, and ongoing on the third
(I'll report if anything goes amiss).

There's one weird thing: make test seems to take way longer than it used to
(7418 seconds on the first machine, 4064 on the second).  Has anyone else
noticed a significant increase?


mabshoff wrote:
> Hello folks,
> after 251 closed tickets here we go. This is rc5/final and likely
> identical to the 3.1.2 release. There was an rc4 that never got
> publicly announced since it had some Gremlins in it. As far as we know
> there are no know build issues and doctest failures (assuming you
> don't have Fink or MacPorts in $PATH). Give it a whirl and report any
> issue as usual.

Alexandru Ghitza
Lecturer, Pure Mathematics
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
The University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC, 3010

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