Hello folks,

after 251 closed tickets here we go. This is rc5/final and likely
identical to the 3.1.2 release. There was an rc4 that never got
publicly announced since it had some Gremlins in it. As far as we know
there are no know build issues and doctest failures (assuming you
don't have Fink or MacPorts in $PATH). Give it a whirl and report any
issue as usual.

Sources are available at


Next up is 3.1.3 which should be not as drawn out, i.e. a quick bug
fix release. If you have patches in trac please check them out and
make sure they apply to 3.1.2 and pass doctests.



Merged in Sage 3.1.2.rc5/final:

#3534: William Stein, John Palmieri: plot -- fix circle example in the
documentation [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
#3894: John Palmieri: in tutorial, live version, triple dots are not
visible [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
#4063: Timothy Clemans: properly escape the titles of worksheets
[Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
#4133: Mike Hansen, Michael Abshoff: sage.math - sage 3.1.2.rc4
doctest failure in interfaces/maxima.py [Reviewed By Robert Miller]
#4130: Michael Abshoff: #4125 does not work on OS X 10.4 [Reviewed by
Robert Miller]
#4131: Michael Abshoff: unbreak sage-clone [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
#4137: William Stein: add doctests for user_type() in avatar.py
[Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
#4138: Michael Abshoff: Sage 3.1.2.rc5: fix documentation build issues
[Reviewed by Mike Hansen]

Merged in Sage 3.1.2.rc4:

#925: Michael Abshoff: valgrind options to sage (sage -valgrind, sage -
callgrind, etc.) should be more customizable [Reviewed by Robert
#1915: Alex Ghitza: infinity doesn't behave well [Reviewed by John
#3563: Michael Abshoff: make "def atlas()" deal with the Accelerate
Framework on OSX [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#3675: Michael Abshoff: upgrade optinal valgrind.spkg to the 3.3.1
release [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#3847: Alex Ghitza: can't make vector of ints [Reviewed by John
#4097: Robert Miller: matrix automorphism groups [Reviewed by David
#4119: Martin Albrecht: doctests + fixes for SymbolicData interface
[Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
#4121: Robert Miller: correct the translation for automorphism groups
of graphs with edge labels [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
#4122: Michael Abshoff: build python without pymalloc for
SAGE_VALGRIND, add sleep(3) for parallel make install issue [Reviewed
by Robert Miller]
#4123: Michael Abshoff: source $SAGE_ROOT/toolchain/toolchain-env if
it exists [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#4124: Robert Miller: disable pbuild [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff]
#4125: David Philp: Build breaks entirely or pulls in non-standard
libraries with fink and macports [Reviewed by Robert Miller]

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