> > I believe there is a clear distinction between CAS end-users who
> > really want binaries with an installer (which I provide for windows,
> > mac and linux packages so that they don't have install problems) and
> > developers who should have a little bit of Unix background in order to
> > solve simple install problems, because their installation might differ
> > from install where the source has been compiled before. I will of
> > course do my best so that the compilation process works out of the
> > box, but I don't think it should be an excuse not to try it further
> > and collaborate with the author/maintainer to fix the
> > things.
> This belief might be why there aren't very many giac developers.

> > That could be done if there was a document somewhere clearly
> > explaining how to interact between sage and your library or binary.
> > Something like the documentation of texmacs for writing plugins. If
> > something like that exists, I would be glad to have a pointer to it.
> > Otherwise, I can't do it on my own on a reasonable time schedule.
> This is ridiculous with people telling each other to do something.
> Open source is about developers scratching their itch.

I find this contradictory to the above quote. I expect two levels of
1/ without having to contact anybdy at sage, something that gives me
an idea where to start, how much work it will require (this is what I
found for building a texmacs plugin)
2/ then I can begin and if I have problems I try to contact for
example this forum (that's what I did with Joris for texmacs).
Same for people who would like to use giac inside one of their
projects; 1/ can be done by testing the binaries capabilites and
getting the source, untar it, see that it should compile with
configure, make, make install. If it doesn't work, he contacts me or
ask a question in the xcas forum.

> When somebody
> really *wants* to use Giac and Sage, so much that they are willing
> to do the work right to make the two work together and maintain it,
> then it will hopefully happen.   Before then it should not.   I don't want
> some half-assed interface in Sage from somebody who doesn't care deeply
> about *both* giac and sage.

Then I don't see this happen. When I decided to write a plugin for
texmacs, I knew approximatively how much time it would require, and
there was a very positive feedback from the texmacs community, which
was very open to add a plugin for giac. I don't know how much time it
would require for sage, have no guidance, and most importantly, I
don't see any real interest from sage.
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