On Jun 4, 2008, at 1:32 AM, John Cremona wrote:

> 2008/6/4 Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> But right now we've already got enough on our plate trying to get the
>> changes we have pushed through. (Any help on this front would be
>> greatly appreciated.)
> Robert,
> Can you be more specific about how others can help with this?

Sure. Currently we've made all the underlying changes, and we're in  
the process of fixing doctests (mostly they're things like typos/ 
unimplemented functionality rather than deep mathematical  
peculiarities). The way to get started is:

- Download and build Sage 2.10.1  http://sagemath.org/dist/src/ 
- Install the latest Cython   http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/ 
- Pull from the coercion repo and build   http://cython.org/coercion/ 
- Choose a (set of) file(s) from the todo list at http:// 
wiki.sagemath.org/days7/coercion/todo and try to get all doctests to  
pass there. We're using the wiki to keep track of who's doing what.

Some hints:
- __cmp__ has been changed to _cmp_ in SageObject, and __cmp__ no  
longer works due to a default __richcmp__ (that's just how Python  
works). In retrospect, this probably should not have been done on top  
of everything else, 'cause it's somewhat independent of coercion and  
the source of seemingly most failures.
- A useful command is coercion_traceback(). This will give the  
traceback of all exceptions caught during the coercion process.

Hopefully this is enough to get started, and feel free to ask questions.

- Robert

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