On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 7:35 PM, Bill Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 1:54 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>> On Jun 4, 2008, at 4:07 AM, Bill Page wrote:
>> ...
>>> These seem consistent to me, albeit rather complex. However I am
>>> not sure I understand the following:
>>> sage: parent(IntegerRing())
>>> <type 'sage.rings.integer_ring.IntegerRing_class'>
>>> sage: parent(RealField())
>>> <type 'sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealField'>
>>> Could you explain why the parent of an object of some category is a
>>> type?
>> David's explanation of this is right on. We need parent() to work in
>> some sensible way on non-Elements (e.g. Python ints, objects from
>> outside Sage) to be able do some kind of coercion reasoning on them.
>> Python is a dynamically typed language, ever object has a type.
> So is this essentially an admission that the concept of 'parent' is
> superfluous and could have in fact been implemented just at Python
> 'type'?

That is not the case, except that of course *anything* that can be
implemented, can be implemented in any turing complete language.

> I am not sure that I would actually advocate this now, but for
> argument's sake: Why not do it this way all of the time? Python
> classes all end up as (potential) parents. I think that this more or
> less is what at least some Magma developers had in mind. E.g. We read
> in the preface to the Magma HTML Help Document:
> http://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au/magma/htmlhelp/preface.htm
> "Every object created during the course of a computation is associated
> with a unique parent algebraic structure. The type of an object is
> then simply its parent structure."

You took that quote out of context.  The full quote is: "The
theoretical basis for the design
of Magma is founded on the concepts and methodology of modern algebra.
The central notion is that of an algebraic structure. Every object
created during
the course of a computation is associated with a unique parent
algebraic structure.
The type of an object is then simply its parent structure."

The word "type" is being used in a formal sense as defined in the excellent
paper  "The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language" by Bosma, Cannon,
and Playoust.

>> ...
>> One should think of the type of an object as what specifies its
>> implementation (including its internal representation). In this sense
>> it is like a class in Java, C++, or any other programming language.
>> (In Python there is a subtle (and mostly historical) difference
>> between types and classes depending on whether or not it's written
>> in C, but for the most part they can be used interchangeably).
>> Python has multiple inheritance, but Cython does not (the C
>> format of a compiled Python class is a C struct, so this is not so
>> much a Cython limitation as a Python/C API limitation.)
> The lack of multiple inheritance in Cython seems to be a major design
> obstacle. Although a C struct is not a real class, it is not clear to
> me why this is not adequate in compiled code. Wouldn't it be
> sufficient to merge (flatten) the components of the multiple ancesters
> into one struct? If not (e.g. if it is necessary to retain some
> knowledge of their origins), why not provide nested structs? But I
> suppose that this is quite off-topic...
>> Most of the time there is a 1-to-1 correspondence between Parents
>> and the types of its Elements. For example, and element of the Parent
>> RR (= RealField(53) is represented by sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealNumber.
>> If I do RR(3) I get back an object of type sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealNumber
>> representing the floating point number 3 to 53 bits of precision, and it's
>> Parent is RR. RealField (100) is a new Parent, whose elements are
>> again of type sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealNumber but to 100 bits of
>> precision.
>> Sometimes, however, the same type is used for multiple parents.
>> There are several integer mod types (depending on whether or not
>> the modulus fits in a single word) and they are used for both generic
>> Z/nZ and prime-order finite fields. Thus we have
>> sage: [type(mod(-1, 100^k)) for k in [2..5]]
>> [<type 'sage.rings.integer_mod.IntegerMod_int'>,
>>  <type 'sage.rings.integer_mod.IntegerMod_int64'>,
>>  <type 'sage.rings.integer_mod.IntegerMod_int64'>,
>>  <type 'sage.rings.integer_mod.IntegerMod_gmp'>]
>> sage: [parent(mod(-1, 100^k)) for k in [2..5]]
>> [Ring of integers modulo 10000,
>>  Ring of integers modulo 1000000,
>>  Ring of integers modulo 100000000,
>>  Ring of integers modulo 10000000000]
> Hmmm... what I think I see here is multiple Python types (_int,
> _int64, _gmp) being used for the *same* parent, i.e. "Ring of integers
> modulo n" (for some parameter n). Simple inheritance should make this
> easy, no?

There are infinitely many different parents, one of each value
of n.   For a given n, the ring Z/nZ is a specific mathematical
object, which is itself for many many reasons worth modeling
in a computer.  If nothing else, it is the place on which to hang
functions like "multiplicative_generator()".   Any computer algebra
system that doesn't have first class actual objects that represent
basic mathematical structures such as rings, fields, etc., feels
extremely barren if one has used Magma for a sufficient amount
of time.

Specific rings, fields, vector spaces, etc., are all basic objects of
mathematics, that are just as important to fully implement and model
in a CAS as polynomials, rational numbers, vectors, etc.  I firmly
believe Magma was the first ever system to really get this right,
and Sage merely copies this.   I really greatly appreciate what
Cannon et al. did...

>> On the other hand, some parents may have elements of several
>> types. The "SymbolicRing" is one such example.
>> sage: [type(a) for a in v]
>> [<class 'sage.calculus.calculus.SymbolicConstant'>,
>>  <class 'sage.functions.constants.Pi'>,
>>  <class 'sage.calculus.calculus.SymbolicArithmetic'>,
>>  <class 'sage.calculus.calculus.SymbolicComposition'>]
>> sage: [parent(a) for a in v]
>> [Symbolic Ring, Symbolic Ring, Symbolic Ring, Symbolic Ring]
> "SymbolicRing" is another thing that worries me a little. Exactly what
> (mathematically) is a symbolic ring? E.g. Why is it a ring and not a
> field? Operations like 'sin(sin(sin(x))).parent()' doesn't look much
> like a ring to me. Probably most other computer algebra systems would
> just call this an "expression tree" or AST or something like that. Why
> do we need different types (sub-classes)?

To me, the SymbolicRing is the mathematical structure in which
calculus teachers, engineers, etc., are kept happy.  In Sage
that was 100% its purpose.  Ask Marshall Hampton, who is teaching
calculus right now using Sage, about what he needs to make
teaching calculus easy, and the answer is "The Symbolic Ring",
plus graphics and interact.

>>> From my experience with Axiom I am sympathetic to the separation of
>>> implementation and specification but in Axiom "domains" are both
>>> parents and types. A domain can inherit it's implementation from
>>> another domain (via add). A domain can also serve as the
>>> representation for some other domain (via Rep). For example
>>> IntegerMod(5) is the representation of PrimeField(5). IntegerMod(5) in
>>> turn is represented by SingleInteger, etc.
>> ...
>> This sounds like the correct analogy. In Sage as well elements of
>> prime finite fields are the same type as elements of Z/nZ for
>> composite n, but they have different parents.
> To the best of my knowledge, the formal concept of "representation" in
> a computer algebra systems is unique to Axiom. Each domain has a
> specified 'Rep'consisting of some domain expression. E.g.
>   Rep == Integer
> or
>   Rep == Union(Record(car:%, cdr:%), "nil")
> % stands for "this domain", so this definition amounts to some
> recursive structure. Of course recursively defined classes are also
> possible in Python but they require much more discipline on the part
> of the programmer.
> Now there are two operators 'rep' and 'per' that provide coercion to
> and from Rep. So we might say for example that some operation * in
> this domain is implemented by * from Rep:
>  x * y == per( rep(x) * rep(y) )
> The trouble is: I don't see anything here that could be called a
> "parent". Or perhaps, they are all "parents" except for those initial
> domains for which we never explicitly specify a Rep.
>> Categories in Sage aren't as fully developed as they could be,
>> but they do form a lattice.
>> sage: C = category(FiniteField(13)); C
>> Category of fields
>> sage: C.is_subcategory(Rings())
>> True
> Ah, I think that is very useful. Does the "Category of fields" inherit
> any generic operations from "Rings()"?
>> One of the changes in this latest coercion push is to allow Parents
>> to belong to several categories.
> That sounds good. So does this mean that the 'category' method now
> returns a list?
>> ... This will also be a place to put generic implementations of
>> algorithms. For example, one has the category of Euclidian
>> domains, where one can define a generic gcd algorithm that will
>> then get attached (as a method) to every element of that category.
>> ...
>>> sage: Zmod(7).is_field()
>>> True
>>> Perhaps an alternative would be to provide a coercion to some
>>> object whose parent is in Fields()?
>> The is_field method tests whether or not this specific instance
>> happens to be a field, which is true in this case. But we do provide
>> a coercion
>> sage: F = GF(7)
>> sage: F.coerce_map_from(Zmod(7))
>> Natural morphism:
>>   From: Ring of integers modulo 7
>>   To:   Finite Field of size 7
> Excellent. But, hmm... this is supposed to be a morphism in some
> category. What category?
> sage: category(Zmod(7))
> Category of rings
> sage: category(FiniteField(7))
> Category of fields
> sage: category(FiniteField(7)).is_subcategory(category(Zmod(7)))
> True
> ------
> Ok, good. We just need the injection.
>>> ...
>>> I am not sure what you mean by "matrix spaces" as such but
>>> the category of matrices does make sense to me. See for
>>> example:
>>> http://unapologetic.wordpress.com/2008/06/02/the-category-of-matrices-i
>>> Maybe it is interesting because in this category the morphisms
>>> are matrices and the objects are just the row and column
>>> dimensions - non-negative integers. How would this fit into the
>>> category model in Sage?
>> A MatrixSpace is a parent
>> sage: M = matrix(QQ, 2); M
>> [0 0]
>> [0 0]
>> sage: parent(M)
>> Full MatrixSpace of 2 by 2 dense matrices over Rational Field
>> It is a module (via scalar multiplication) over its basering (in the
>> case above, the integers) and so (should) lie in the category of
>> Q-modules.
> Ok, it is an object in some category. Maybe a good name would be the
> category "VectorSpace"? (Q-modules is ok). What makes them a
> MatrixSpace?
>> In the case of square matrices, it is actually an algebra
>> over its basering, and its category is the category of Q-algebras.
> Anyway, I suppose this taxonomy is not such a big deal. One only needs
> to learn the language - of course it has turned out in Axiom that this
> is not that simple a problem - hence interactive tools for querying
> and navigating the domain and category hierarchies (hyperdoc).
>> ...
> Thanks for continuing the discussion.
> Regards,
> Bill Page.
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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