On Monday, October 21, 2024 at 12:08:55 AM UTC-4 Kwankyu Lee wrote:

On Monday, October 21, 2024 at 8:47:02 AM UTC+9 Michael Orlitzky wrote:

* The icosahedron strikes me as an instance of "hey give me the name 
of a cool math shape" that has nothing to do with sage itself

The icosahedron in the current logo looks broken to me. I wonder what was 
the intention. 

Somewhere on this list from years ago there is a description - I can't 
remember enough search terms to find it now, William may remember.  It is 
not an icosahedron.  (Plus, the Mathematical Association of America has 
that as their logo, so probably not get even closer to that.)

* The font can be ugly, and if you don't know that it says "sage" 
already, it's hard to read

That might be fixable, even within the "old" style font.  A lot of work 
went into this a while back so maybe some of the people who made it nicer 
about a decade ago will weigh in.

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