On Monday, October 7, 2024 at 10:26:52 AM UTC-3 marc....@gmail.com wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2024 at 12:05:25 AM UTC-5 Kwankyu Lee wrote:

On the other hand, who would be the users of the distribution packages for 
whatever need? I wonder how they overlap with sage developers.

A concrete example of a useful standalone Sage module is CyPari2.  By 
including CyPari within SnapPy we are able to make it possible to compute 
number theoretic invariants of hyperbolic manifolds.  We are unable to use 
Sage's CyPari2 because we need to support Windows. But, as Oscar says, it 
should be easier to port individual modules to Windows than all of Sage.  
That is the case with CyPari.

I used to think cypari2 was a good example of how to modularize sagemath; 
take a good useful piece that is really standalone and package it in pypi 
so it can be used / developed / tested / etc. to improve adoption.

For me cypari2 works really nice and it's not particularly difficult to 
package (except it broke with pari 2.17, but of course having this as a 
standalone package makes it much easier to fix it). What is the problem 
with windows?


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